Home > Document library > Auckland School (AUT) > References to Auckland School (AUT) in Executive Minutes

References to Auckland School (AUT) in Executive Minutes

A list of the mentions of Auckland School (now AUT) in the NZSP Executive Minutes from 1973 - 1999.

TAGS: Auckland School, References, Executive Minutes

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  1. Auckland School Advisory Committee - information on procedures re appointment of staff was asked for by Mrs. Robertson.
  2. That members of the Auckland Physiotherapy School Advisory Committee retire after three years.  Carried
  3. That Students at Auckland be told that they are eligible to be Associate Members of the NZSP.

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Advisory Committee - Mrs. Michelle James resigned, and Miss Glendining be asked to fill this post as the Society’s Representative. It was resolved that South Auckland be asked to find someone to fill the post.

    1. Health Science in Auckland - The director General of Education Acknowledged a letter.
    2. State Final Exam payments - It was agreed that figures be sought form the University Grants committee to compare with the 45 cents per question being paid by the Department of  Health. When figures are available a letter be sent to the Health Dept saying the Society is dissatisfied with the adequacy of the fees being paid.
    1. Payment for State Final marking - no replies received
    2. Mr. J. Meney - his term has expired as the representative to the Auckland School Committee.
    3. Physiotherapy Clinic within the AIT - to give students more patient experience -to be discussed by the Advisory Committee of the AIT
    4. College of Health Science - a new Minister has been appointed, so it may be worth re-opening.
    1. Advisory Committee - Mrs. C. Jackson to replace Mr. Meney on the AIT Advisory Committee.
    2. Selection of Candidates - A letter is to be sent to the Board about concern regarding the cost of travel involved for interviews and pointing out that screening could be done locally.
    3. Candidates for Final Examinations and Student Tertiary Bursaries - Resolved  that  Council request the Board to look into the possibility of failed candidates being allowed to sit at each subsequent examination.
    1. Special Sub Committee on Non Industrial Problems at the Workface of Physiotherapy  Students Clinical Education. A draft guideline has been drawn up to cover access by teachers and students to technical Institutes and Hospital Board facilities. Sue Ford to re-convene the special sub Committee to consider this.
    2. Auckland Technical Institute Advisory Report - tabled
    1. AIT Advisory Committee Report  tabled.
    2. General Business - AIT - Diploma and Course Curriculum Committee . The Society’s representatives are - Diploma Committee Mrs. J.Stewart.   Course Curriculum Committee - Mrs. J.Stewart, Mr. Lamont, Mr. M Edgar.
    3. Auckland Medical School Submission - A draft of this prepared by Miss Skinner was tabled and discussed. It will be forwarded before the deadline.
    1. AIT - Physiotherapy  Advisory Committee -A Report  of the meeting was tabled. There is confusion over whether there should be 2 or 3 nominees on the Committee.
    2. The Workforce Development Fund has approved funding  for  the NZMTA and the AIT to discuss cross crediting or combining the two diplomas. A workshop will be held.
    1. AIT Physiotherapy  Advisory Committee - E. Lamb, M.Lamont, alternate E.Drok; Physiotherapy
    2. AIT  Advisory sub Committee a Report  was tabled by Mrs. Lamb.
    1. The AIT Report  was received. The School has advised that it would be advantageous for it to have evidence that members of the profession are supportive of the level, content and standard of Education to be provided by the Physiotherapy  degree programme. The Society has not seen a copy of the curriculum but reiterated that support can only be given  if  the course complies with the NZSP Policy of research- based open-ended Education  and also fulfils the criteria of the Physiotherapy  Board’s registration requirements.
    2. Mrs Lamb reported that T.Goodall did not wish to take any further action re the criteria for course selection at the AIT.
    1. Presidents Report  taken as read with  some extra points since it was written (1) AIT had received approval for its 4 year degree programme 
    2. Council Membership -Mr. Lamont was chosen as the Society’s nomination but did not win nomination to represent 5 health occupations.
    1. AIT - A letter from 23 lecturers at the School concerning the NZ Assn. of Therapeutic massage Practitioners Education  Package was tabled and discussed.  It was agreed that a meeting be organised during the Biennial Conference in Auckland.
    2. Mr. M.Lamont has resigned from the AIT Advisory  Committee. He was sincerely thanked.


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    Advisory Committee Report  -AIT - Miss Glendinning appointed, another required. Mr. Meney nominated. Travel expenses to be paid by the Society

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    Advisory Committee Auckland Physiotherapy School .  Mr. Meney intended to stay on the committee for one year.  Miss Askew asked about the imbalance of  female to male students - was told that the females had the higher qualifications. Miss Glendining was resigning, and Miss Annette Jackman was appointed to take her place. A report from the Otago Advisory Committee was read.

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    AIT Physiotherapy Advisory Committee - Mr. Lamont & Mrs. Jackson nominated  to this committee

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    Wellington Branch - upset about appointment of tutors to Physiotherapy Dept Wellington without consultation.

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    AIT - re a policy regarding appointment of Physiotherapy Tutors.

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    Advisory Committee of the Auckland School of  Physiotherapy - Miss Jackman wishes to resign from this committee.

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    Mr. Neame is appointed to the Advisory Committee for the Auckland School.

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    AIT Advisory Committee  - Miss Elkin requires enlightenment on who is being represented.

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    AIT Physiotherapy Advisory Committee - Mr. Neame & Mr. Lamont are the Society Representatives.

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    Physiotherapy  School Advisory Committee - Disappointment was expressed that congratulatory cards were not handed out at the Graduation in Auckland.

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    AIT Advisory Committee -  Due to the absence of Mr.Lamont & Neame, Mr. Drok presented a report.

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    AIT advisory Report  -tabled

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    Advisory Committee Reports we received from both schools.

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    AIT Advisory Committee meeting.


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    The AIT  Physiotherapy  Advisory Committee is being restructured and two nominees from the Society are requested - to be Mr.Lamont &  Mrs Lamb with Mr. Drok as alternate.

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    AIT School Advisory Committee -Report  tabled.

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    AIT Advisory Physiotherapy  meeting - Mrs. Lamb’s Report  received.

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    ADP Manual Therapy Students - the situation between the Auckland AIT and ADP students and clinical supervisors has been discussed and much greater understanding of the needs and requirements of both parties has been achieved.

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    General business - Reports received form the AIT and Otago Polytechnic Advisory Committees

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    AIT - Physiotherapy  Advisory Committee - The AIT has had a name change to a Maori one.

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    General - AIT - Executive agreed the Society should follow up a letter received from T.Goodall concerning the criteria for course selections

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    AIT Advisory Committee - Mrs. Lamb. M. Lamont.

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    General Business - Minutes of the AIT Advisory meeting were tabled.

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    General - Reports were received from the AIT

    2/3 - 4 - 93 General -
    Reports were forwarded from the AIT Advisory Committee and the Otago Joint Board of Studies meeting. A request from the Acting head of Otago re a prize was discussed.  It had been awarded by the Society in 1940 for Educational Gymnastics, lately awarded for kinesiology. This is no longer taught, the Executive agreed to donate a prize of a book plate, cup and a cheque for $100 to the student who has the best overall standard in year 3 of the Degree course.  A similar prize will be offered to Auckland.

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    AIT - Physiotherapy  Advisory Committee Report  was tabled.

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    AIT  Physiotherapy  Committees
    Board of Studies Committee - the Chairman apologised to C. Keals-Smith on behalf of the Society for any embarrassment caused to AIT and C.Keals-Smith.
    Extraordinary Advisory Committee Minutes of meeting held on 2nd November tabled.  E.Lamb will be asked to continue one more year as the NZSP representative on the Committee.  Terms to be 2 yearly for NZSP representatives. M.Lamont has resigned. C.Keals-Smith is continuing negotiations as regarding nominee to replace M.Lamont.
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    AIT - Council Member Nominations - The 5 organisations in Group 5 of the Third schedule which contains 6 groups will have a teleconference call on 2 November to decided which one of the four nominations will be put forward.  Barbara Miller has agreed to allow her nomination to go forward for consideration.  The one name will then go forward as Group 5’s nomination, if more than 2 nominations are received from all 6 groups, then an immediate postal ballot will take place to fill the 2 council vacancies.

    General- AIT advisory meeting - a Report  from E.Lamb was received.

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    AIT Council - The Health Professional representative , Sidney Cuthbertson, forwarded a report  covering the first 6 months of her election to the Council.  This will be forwarded to the Head of School of Physiotherapy  Auckland Institute of Technology for information.

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    AIT advisory Committee Report  was discussed.

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    There was discussion on the recent decision of the Auckland Institute of Technology to give places at the School of Physiotherapy  to a small number of full-fee paying NZ Resident students.  It was noted that there had been a policy for some time of having a set number of places for full-fee paying overseas students.  It was agreed that as long as entry of full-fee paying students did not compromise the teaching standards and resources available to government funded students that the Educational institute had the mandate to make the decision  M.Skinner informed members that the position of Dean, School of Physiotherapy  is being readvertised.   Concern was expressed that this allows the appointment of a non- Physiotherapist to the position. It was agreed that a letter be sent from NZSP strongly voicing reasons why the Dean should be a Physiotherapist.

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    Lee Gardiner is to meet with  AIT to discuss issues relating to a new degree in Sports Medicine which has implications for Physiotherapists working in the areas of sports injuries and rehabilitation.

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    NZSP representatives on AIT Advisory Committee - Mandy Cave and Caroline Durney have been appointed as the 2 new representatives  on this Committee and will make a Report  to National  Executive after each meeting.

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    11.2.1 AIT Advisory Committee-- A letter from Caroline Durney, NZSP representative on the AIT Advisory Committee was tabled and discussed.  Advice was sought on a proposal for some of the generic modules of the MHSc to be incorporated as part of the Chiropractic Masters course starting in 1999.  There was agreement that there is no way to prevent generic modules being taught to other health professional groups by Physiotherapy  staff. The only restriction is on physiotherapy skills being taught to non Physiotherapists.

    Action - reply to letter to be made as above.

    11.2.2. AIT Council - A letter from the AIT Council seeking nomination to AIT Council.

    Action - Member to be sought for nomination to AIT Council.

    11.2.3. Postgraduate Courses - Fiona Murdoch highlighted a move in Australia towards the provision of short courses and tabled a brochure from Curtin University of Technology, a advertising a 2 week short course in Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

    Action - Copies of brochure to be sent to Education  Committee and Schools of Physiothe

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