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References to students in the Journal

Mentions of students in general in the New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy from 1973 -1999.

TAGS: Students, Journal, References

14 - 2 - 76

  1. Mrs Johnstone said that several students who had applied for training had very late notification, giving them little time to make other applications.
  2. Mr. Neame expressed concern that one physiotherapy school publishes its results one month before the other.  Miss Millar said that this would not happen again, as changes had been made.

12 - 3 - 77 - Observer for Student Selection Interviews - It was resolved that Observers from the Society be present at Student Interviews in Auckland and Wellington, and that this appointment be for 1 year.

23 - 7 - 77 - Nomination of Observers for Student Interviews. Despite an offer from South Auckland it was agreed to keep observers from Wellington  & Auckland branches only to save costs.

1 - 10 - 77 - Report on Student Interview Procedures - There was discussion on the relevance of the form used. It was decided to write to the Vocational guidance saying that physics is not a prerequisite subject.

11 - 2 - 78 - Student Interview Representative. -  A letter from the Principal of the Otago School asking for suggestions on the selection procedures. Miss Draper felt the Society should be involved, not just an observer. It was  resolved that the Society accept the suggestion of the Otago Polytechnic that  a Chief Physiotherapist in each main centre be involved in Student Selection Interviews.

22 - 9 - 79 - Student Selection - Replies received from AIT & Otago Schools - concern of the Society is appreciated and consideration will be given to suggestions made if the present selection procedure is altered.

April 81 - State Exam - general requirements

23 - 7 - 82 - A letter from Physiotherapy Students - it was agreed to improve communications, that the rules do not allow for voting rights, that the finances of the Society do not allow for funding for post graduate conferences. It is a good idea to have  a Students session at the AGM.

28 - 5 - 83 - A letter from the NZPPA asking “what are the criteria for becoming a Physiotherapy  student” and “what recourse do rejected applicants have”  - both questions referred to both schools.

23 - 7 - 83 - Education Committee -Replies from both schools about the criteria to be a Physiotherapy  student and avenues of recourse were tabled.   

19 - 5 - 84 - Core Curriculum for schools - Mrs. Wilson and Mrs Ham produced reports on this.  Awareness of  Physiotherapy  of  Medical  students and practitioners. The final flow charts were tabled, Executive agreed that Miss Draper be approached to set up a pilot scheme.   

17 - 12  - 92 - 4th year funding for Physiotherapy  students - M.Skinner outline the problems. It was agreed that a meeting with the Minister should be sought in order to answer some of the erroneous statements being made by the Ministry.

21 - 5 - 95 - Other resolutions - It was agreed that a letter from the meeting be sent to the Ministers of Education  and Health stating the support of the Society for funding of the 4th year of undergraduate study for the Bachelor degree.

23 - 11 - 96 - Approach Schools of Physiotherapy  regarding Physiotherapy  Services Management component in undergraduate programme.  

8/9 -2 - 97 - At the next meeting a student representative from each school will be invited to attend on the Saturday.

5/6 - 4 - 97

  1. Margaret Moon and 2  4th year Physiotherapy students joined the meeting. Lee explained that the Society wanted to improve liaison with Physiotherapy  students. National  Executive wanted to gain an understanding of the issues and pressures facing students and identify ways in which the Society can give support.  
  2. In talking about issues of concern for students Brenda and Colin emphasised the high student loans they now face.  They also spoke of the difficulties of having to find cheap accommodation when they are on clinical placements.  In many cases students also need to continue paying for regular accommodation in Auckland or Dunedin.  They students commented that prior to attending the National  Executive meeting they did not know a lot about the Society or the issues it was dealing with.

AGM  24 - 5 - 97

Funding of Undergraduate Degree Programme year 4.

Lee Gardiner reported that a meeting had been held in May 1996 between representatives of NZSP, Physiotherapy  Students and the Ministry of Education . The Ministry of Education representatives  confirmed that their position regarding funding of year 4 has not changed and that no additional funding is available.  

However, they made the suggestion that the Schools of Physiotherapy  look at alternative ways of funding the undergraduate programme such as an intermediate health science 1st year which would give entry to a 3 year physiotherapy  degree programme. 

M. Skinner confirmed that the Otago University School of Physiotherapy, as part of its curriculum review, was proposing changes but these had not yet been presented to the Physiotherapy  Board.

28/29 - 6 - 97  

  1. Physiotherapy  Students -Liaison/Support  6 offers of accommodation had been received from members and passed on to the Schools of Physiotherapy. Gail has been invited by both Schools to speak to students later this year.  Students who attended the meeting have sent thanks.
  2. AIT Student’s letter to Minister re 4th year funding. A copy of the letter sent to the Minister has been received and printed in the NZSP newsletter.

9/10 - 8 - 97

Physiotherapy  students - Liaison/support.  Gail to speak to 4th year and 1st year student at AIT on 11 August and has been invited to speak to students at the University of Otago on 3 October.

4/5 - 10 - 97

  1. Physiotherapy  Students - liaison/support.  Gail gave presentations on the Society and current issues for Physiotherapists to 4th year and 1st year students at Auckland, 1,2,3,4,year students at Christchurch and Dunedin. Fiona reported that 50% of the attendees at the recently held AIT “Job Shop” were representatives  of overseas agencies.

28 FEB./1 MAR. 1998

  1. General - Ministry of Education : Review of 4th Year Funding - The December 1997 announcement from the Minister said that the Physiotherapy  Undergraduate Degree Programme will receive a funding subsidy for all four years was noted.  A letter was sent from NZSP to the Minister of Education  recommending that the Coalition government refund the additional fees past students have been forced to pay.  A reply declining this action was tabled.

18/19 - 4 - 98

  1. Education  Committee - Mary McLaughlin reported on a survey questionnaire being developed and piloted by AIT physiotherapy students to seek views regarding continuing education for ongoing competency for registered physiotherapists.  It is intended that after piloting, the questionnaire would be available for use by the Society to survey members and nonmembers.


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