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References to Bicultural issues in Executive Minutes

Mentions of bicultural issues in the NZSP Executive Minutes 1973 -1998.

TAGS: bicultural issues, NZSP, Executive Minutes

AGM  31 - 3 - 96
That the NZSP formally acknowledges the importance of bicultural/multicultural issues facing Physiotherapists as health professionals and makes it a priority to commit itself to addressing these issues in its next planing cycle.  Rider:  The NZPPA Executive believe that it is very timely that the Society on behalf of its members, debates and considers this issue and formally makes a public stance relating to its position.  To date the profession has never made an collective commitment to discuss its position, educate members and formally acknowledge that there may need to be changes in approach to the consumers of physiotherapy  services.  For any requests for assistance/guidance in this area to be considered with appropriate respect from related organisations, it is important that there is a strong commitment by the profession that it is prepared to learn, internalise what it hears and if necessary, change the way it practises.   

In view of the direct reference to cultural safety issues in the revised draft Physiotherapy  Board Competency document, the Society need to  develop a policy of the direction it will follow and extent it will go to, to assist members to ensure they meet this competency.  M. Skinner replied to a question saying that  these issues were included in the undergraduate programme. The Nursing Council of NZ had recently published a discussion document on cultural safety which would be useful for development of discussion papers and a policy statement which will be addressed as a high priority by National  Executive. Pip Wade advised the NZ College of Physiotherapy  was considering the development of courses on bicultural issues.

10/11 - 5 - 96  - Bicultural issues
As a first step in making a firm commitment to biculturalism, it was agreed that the Executive Officer seek an appropriate person to write a discussion paper on how the Treaty of Waitangi impacts on the practice of Physiotherapy.  It was noted that biculturalism has been addressed to a certain degree in the undergraduate programme but that there are many practising Physiotherapists who graduated prior to its inclusion.      Nell Dawson pointed out that less than 1% of the Physiotherapy  workforce identifies as being Maori and this may indicate that the criteria for acceptance into the Physiotherapy  undergraduate programme may need review. 

There was agreement that the profession needs to move forward in the area of biculturalism and this could perhaps be addressed through the College of Physiotherapy  - NZSP and College to discuss this.  An update will be featured in the newsletter.   A letter from R. Molony, Accreditation Co-ordinator, NZPPA, stating her need for background material on the Treaty of Waitangi for inclusion in the Education  manual for the NZ Physiotherapy  Accreditation Scheme, was tabled.

20/21 - 7 - 96 - Treaty of Waitangi and Biculturalism -
Two NZSP members (Maria Bryson and Laurie Evans-Moore) have indicated their willingness to be involved in the process to raise awareness of the Treaty of Waitangi and bicultural issues.  Laurie had donated to NZSP a 6 issue subscription to “Mana” magazine. Fiona Murdoch and Nell Dawson reported on networks being developed with local Iwi in the Midland Region.  Fiona has been invited by Tainui FM radio to speak about Physiotherapy . The development of Treaty of  Waitangi workshops and a discussion paper on bicultural issues for the Physiotherapy  profession is to precede consultation with representatives  of various Maori Groups and organisations .

Action -Executive Officer to

  1. Contact Maria Bryson and Laurie Evans-Moore regrading development of a discussion paper,
  2. Contact Helen Lewis, Christchurch regarding Treaty of Waitangi workshops, and 3. Arrange a meeting between Executive representatives  and the General Manager of Te Kete Hauora, Ministry of Health.

14/15 - 9 - 96 - Treaty of Waitangi and Biculturalism.
A Report was given on a meeting between representatives  of National  Executive and Te Kete Hauroa, the Maori Health Policy group of the Ministry of Health. Topics covered included workforce issues for Maori (according to the Health Workforce Report  1994,  only 1% of responding Physiotherapy  APC holders indicated that they were Maori) publishing articles on Physiotherapy  in the Te Kete Hauora Newsletter, and translation of a pamphlets on specific areas of Physiotherapy into Maori.  A list of contact people in Maori organisations such as the Maori Women’s Welfare League and Maori Media is to be supplied to NZSP.

2/3 11 96  Treaty of Waitangi and Biculturalism
In response to the commitment made to Biculturalism and the Treaty of Waitangi at this year’s AGM, it was agreed that was working party be established. Its specific terms of reference will be -  

  1. To Develop a framework for the implementation of Biculturalism into the Physiotherapy  profession.
  2. To ensure that the Physiotherapy  profession meets the requirements of the Treaty of Waitangi  

Action - members for the working party to be sought..  A letter from Te Kete Hauroa, Ministry of Health, including reference material was noted.

8/9 - 2 - 97 - Bicultural Working Party
National  Executive ratified the appointment of the following members to the Party- Jill Bell, Laurie Evans-Moore, Leigh Keefe, Linda Kirkman and Anne McKellar.  Other Society members and representatives  from Iwi Groups and Te Kete Hauora, Ministry of Health may be consulted by  the working group as they develop a framework for the implementation of Biculturalism into the Physiotherapy  profession.  Action -Gail to organise first face-face meeting of the group.

AGM  24 - 5 - 97 Bicultural Working Party
Lynda Kirkman, Jill Bell, Laurie Evans Moore, Leigh Keefe, Ann McKellar.

5/6 -4- 97 Bicultural Working Party  
Minutes of their first meeting were discussed.  The Terms of Reference as modified by the Working Party were ratified.

AGM  24 - 5 - 97 - Discussion Paper from the Bicultural Working Party
The draft Bicultural Policy had been circulated and Ann McKellar present the recommendations from the Working Party:

A. Members accept in principle the draft Bicultural Policy
B. The Bicultural Working Party continues as  Bicultural Steering Group to facilitate the implementation of the Bicultural  Policy.  
C. The draft Standards of Practice for Cultural Safety be submitted to the Physiotherapy  Board requesting their inclusion in the Competencies Review Document   This was carried.

28/29 - 6 - 97   Recommendations from the Bicultural Working Party.
Recommendations accepted were

  1. Members accept in principle the draft Bicultural Policy.
  2. The Bicultural Working Party continues as a Bicultural Steering Group to facilitate the implementation of Bicultural Policy.
  3. The draft Standards of Practice for Cultural Safety be submitted to the Physiotherapy  Board requesting their inclusion in the Competencies Review Document.  Gail reported that the Standards had been submitted to the Board.

Action - The Bicultural Steering Committee to develop a framework, terms of reference and budget to facilitate the implementation of the Bicultural Policy, liaise with the Marketing Committee on ways in which this may be funded, and Report  back to the National  Executive by 9 August for approval. 

9/10 - 8 - 97 - Bicultural Steering Committee
A verbal report  of the 5 August meeting was given by Gail.  The steering Committee is having a final review of the draft Bicultural policy which was approved in general at the 1997 AGM. The final policy will be presented for adoption by the Society at the 1998 AGM.

9/10 - 8 - 97 - The Bicultural Steering Group
Were developing objectives for 1998.  Based on the other identified priorities, the following objectives were agreed for Standing Committees etc.

9/10 - 8 - 97 - Bicultural Steering Group
Proposals for training packages (eg Maori Pronunciation) are being sought.

15/16 - 11 - 97 - Bicultural Steering Group
A proposal for a Physiotherapist Maori Pronunciation Package and request for feedback to the Bicultural Steering Group was tabled and discussed.  It was agreed that practical application  of the requirements of the Treaty of Waitangi was a high priority and could include guidelines for interacting with local Iwi and resource lists for Branches and other groups.  Action - Gail to convey feedback to the bicultural Steering Group

28 Feb/1/Mar 1998

Bicultural Steering Group - Minutes of the meeting held on 22 December 1997 were tabled and discussed.  A presentation on the Treaty of Waitangi and Physiotherapy  is included in the Biennial Conference programme.

18/19 - 4 - 98 - Bicultural Steering Group
The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 1998 were tabled.  A Notice of Motion that the draft Bicultural Policy (which was accepted in principle at the 1997 AGM) be accepted as a NZSP Policy statement will be put forwards at the 1998 AGM.

A proposal to produce a pronunciation package, the cost of which would require the Steering Group to seek sponsorship was discussed.  National  Executive agreed that the emphasis for the Steering Group should be on the key points from the corporate Plan 1998, namely that the NZSP provide opportunities for all physiotherapists practising in NZ, to be familiar with the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi and biculturalism. 

The question of the value of a pronunciation package with regard to regional differences and the need to keep within the Committee’s budget were raised.

It was suggested that identification of resources which are available in each region would be useful but would require guidance for Branches on how to identify appropriate material/workshops etc.  It was agreed that if the Steering Group believe a pronunciation package will fulfil a need, that letters to seek sponsorship for the required amount can be sent to selected organisations.  Action - Steering Group to be advised of above.

18/19 - 4 - 98 - Bicultural Steering Group
The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 1998 were tabled.  A Notice of Motion that the draft Bicultural Policy (which was accepted in principle at the 1997 AGM) be accepted as a NZSP Policy statement will be put forwards at the 1998 AGM.

A proposal to produce a pronunciation package, the cost of which would require the Steering Group to seek sponsorship was discussed.  National  Executive agreed that the emphasis for the Steering Group should be on the key points from the corporate Plan 1998, namely that the NZSP provide opportunities for all physiotherapists practising in NZ, to be familiar with the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi and biculturalism.  The question of the value of a pronunciation package with regard to regional differences and the need to keep within the Committee’s budget were raised.

It was suggested that identification of resources which are available in each region would be useful but would require guidance for Branches on how to identify appropriate material/workshops etc.  It was agreed that if the Steering Group believe a pronunciation package will fulfil a need, that letters to seek sponsorship for the required amount can be sent to selected organisations.  Action - Steering Group to be advised of above.

AGM  17 - 5 - 98 - Bicultural Steering Group
That the draft Bicultural Policy prepared by the Bicultural Steering Group and accepted in principle at the 1997 AGM, be accepted as a NZSP policy statement.   Carried.

Bicultural Steering Group - Lynda Kirkman, Jill Bell, Laurie Evans Moore, Leigh Keefe, Ann McKellar

3/4 October 1998 - Bicultural Steering Group 
The minutes of the 7 September 1998 meeting were discussed.  The decision to develop an information pack including available courses, videos, reading list etc to encourage physiotherapists (including new graduates and those registering from overseas) to gain and/or extend their knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi and biculturalism was commended.  K a suggestion was made that the Steering Group consider the composition of a “NZSP” Waiata which could be sung on official occasions.   Action - Bicultural Group to give consideration to composition of a NZSP Waiata using a well known tune if copyright allows.

13/14 November 1998 - Bicultural Steering Group
No meeting but group considering possible NZSP Waiata as suggested at the last National  Executive meeting.

13/14 February 1999  -  Bicultural Steering group - No meeting
Action: Steering group to be requested to meet to make recommendations on NZSP Waiata prior to the next National  Executive meeting on 10/11 April

9/11 April 1999 - Bicultural Steering Group - no meeting

July 1999 - Bicultural Steering Group
The group has not met for some time and have sought further direction from National Executive about future activities.

Action - Executive Director to contact Chairperson of Steering Group to discuss and plan future focus based on Corporate Plan 1999/2000

1/12 September 1999 - Bicultural Steering Group.
No meeting in this reporting period but a face to face meeting is being organised to take place in October or November.

6/7 November 1999 - Bicultural Steering Croup
The Group will meet by teleconference on 17 November 1999



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