Home > Document library > Cardiothoracic SIG > References to the Cardiothoracic SIG in the Executive Minutes

References to the Cardiothoracic SIG in the Executive Minutes

Mentions of the Cardiothoracic SIG in the NZSP Executive Minutes from 1973 - 1999.

TAGS: cardiothoracic sig, references, executive minutes

28 - 9 - 85  -  A group is being formed on Cardiothoracic Physiotherapy .

6 - 12 - 85  -  The Cardiothoracic Group will be holding their inaugural meeting after the AGM.

22 - 1 - 86 - Cardiothoracic held its inaugural meeting, Miss J. Haslam is Chairman, Miss H. Argylle Secretary.

22 - 3 - 86  -  Cardiothoracic group - a Report  detailing the officers of this group was received.

10 - 10 - 86  -  Cardiothoracic - their rules have been finalised and membership stands at 25.

22 - 2 - 87  -  Cardiothoracic Group - The rules of this group were ratified at their meeting on 21-2-87.

26/27 - 6 -  87  -  Cardiothoracic - are doing a paper at Conference 88.

12/13 - 9 - 87  -  Cardiothoracic - Newsletter has been circulated.

21 - 2 - 88 - Cardiothoracic - Miss Skinner gave a verbal Report  of the groups concern with the wording of the minutes of the College meeting on 11 November 1987.

30 - 4 - 88  -  Cardiothoracic  - there has been an increase in interest from members.

23/24 - 9 - 88  -  Cardiothoracic - Report  tabled.

3 - 3 - 89   -   Cardiothoracic - an excellent workshop was held in Wellington Dec. 1988.

23 - 6 - 90 - Cardiothoracic group - Two NZ Physiotherapists attended the Australian Cardiothoracic Conference in Sydney

1/2 - 9 - 90  -  Cardiothoracic - Jocelyn Ross from Canada held a one day seminar in Auckland on 20 August.

23/24 - 3 - 91 - Cardiothoracic - a successful weekend seminar was held in Auckland hosted by Jensen Cilag and attended by Medical, Physiotherapy  and dietitian health professional.

9 - 11 - 91 - Cardiothoracic - The NZ Society of Respiratory Care is holding  a one day workshop “To explore the need for the Education  and training of Respiratory therapy Technicians.” Jackie Chivers from Wellington will represent the Society.

15/16 - 2 - 92 - Cardiothoracic Group - a full Report  from Jackie Chivers was received about the Respiratory Therapy Technician Educational Needs Workshop she attended.

22 - 3 - 92 - Cardio-throacic - The Cystic Fibrosis Society sponsored Barbara Webber’s visit to NZ and her seminars were extremely well attended.

25 - 8 - 92  -  Cardiothoracic - a meeting has been organised in Christchurch in conjunction with the Conference.

2/3 - 4 - 93  -  Cardiothoracic - A weekend seminar is being organised to be held in Christchurch in Augus

24/25 - 7 - 93  -  Cardiothoracic Group - a verbal Report  was received.

25/26 - 9 - 93 - Cardiothoracic - A number of Educational programmes have been organised in various parts of the country. The Group is currently compiling information for a brochure on  cardiothoracic Physiotherapy.

16/17 - 4 - 94 - Cardiothoracic  - It is hoped the new leaflet Respiratory and Cardiac Health will be available for display at Conference.

26 - 6 - 94  -  Cardiothoracic SIG - newsletter was received.

17/18 - 9 - 94 - Cardiothoracic - M.Skinner advised that members of the group had been involved in a Multi-disciplinary Conference in Christchurch.  Sue McBride forwarded a Report  on her attendance at the AGM of the International Physiotherapy  Group for Cystic Fibrosis in Paris on 1 June.   A request for funding for the international group was viewed, but it was agreed that in line with the decision made the meeting on 25 June SIGs should be responsible for any finding required for affiliation to international organisations.

25/27 - 11 - 94 - Cardiothoracic - A verbal Report was received. Subscriptions will be collected by the Society on the 1995 invoice.  Liaison person is M.Skinner.

17/19 2 - 95 - Cardiothoracic Health Physiotherapy  - The group response to the joint statements on tobacco controls by national smokefree organisations was tabled and it was agreed that this should be endorsed by Executive and forwarded to the National Heart Foundation.

7 - 5 - 95 - Cardiothoracic - 8 members of this group attended the APA 4th National  Cardiothoracic Conference in Australia.

21 - 5 - 95 - Cardiothoracic - Newsletter tabled. It was noted that several Physiotherapists attended the APA Conference in Melbourne.

16 /17 - 9 - 95 - Cardiothoracic - National  Standards for Cardiac Rehabilitation have been received from National  Heart Foundation.

11/ 12 - 11 - 95 - Cardiothoracic - Member of the group are still working on the preparation of Standards.

17/ 18 - 2 - 96 - Cardiothoracic Group - M. Skinner gave a verbal Report . A contribution was made to the NZSP submission on the Smoke-free Environment Amendment Bill No2.

20/21 - 7 - 96 - Cardiothoracic - Fiona Murdoch gave a verbal report . The group would like to run a conference or courses but have small numbers and not sure how to proceed. They have been advised to contact the College of Physiotherapy

14/15 - 9 - 96 - Cardiothoracic - A Report  from Fiona Murdoch was tabled.  Two courses are to be held in November (Wellington and Christchurch) with Elizabeth Deane, a visiting respiratory Physiotherapist.

2/3 - 11 - 96  -  Cardiothoracic - Fiona gave a verbal Report . Two courses are being held in November - Wellington and Christchurch) with Elizabeth Deane, a visiting expert respiratory Physiotherapist.

8/9 - 2 - 97 - Cardiothoracic - The Committee has commenced developing guidelines and standards for Cardiothoracic care.

5/6 - 4 - 97  -  Cardiothoracic - A Report  from Fiona was tabled.  A number of Physiotherapists working in this area are not Society members so the SIG is relatively small. A newsletter has been produced.

28/29 - 6 - 97   Cardiothoracic - Fiona gave a verbal Report . The group is looking at the possibility of bringing and overseas expert to NZ.

9/10 - 8 - 97  -  Cardiothoracic - Fiona reported that the group is looking at the possibility of setting up a web site.

4/5 - 10 - 97  Cardiothoracic - have organised a half day course with Julia Brott (UK Respiratory Physiotherapist Researcher) to be held in  Christchurch on 18 November 1997.

18/19 - 4 - 98  -  Cardiothoracic - Nothing to report.  It was noted that the post-conference workshop “Acute Respiratory Failure in the Adult Patient with an ICU perspective” is in danger of being cancelled if further registrations are not received.

Action - Flyer advertising workshop to be sent to Cardiothoracic SIG members

3/4 - 10 - 98  -  Cardiothoracic - A two day thoracic cage mobility course is being held in Christchurch 9/10 October.

13/15 November 1998  -  11.4.1. Cardiothoracic - concerns from some members at a lack of communication from SIG this year.

13/14 February 1999  -  Cardiothoracic - no meeting

9/11 April  1999 - Cardiothoracic  -  A newsletter is currently being produced and will be sent to members shortly.  A standard on infection control has been produced for comment.

3/4 July 1999  -  This SIG is seeking to liaise with a North Island group of physiotherapists with an interest in cardiothoracic physiotherapy  who have made contact with the SIG Committee

11/12 September 1999  - Cardiothoracic - a newsletter is being prepared for distribution mid September

6/7 November 1999  -  Cardiothoracic - The Christchurch based Committee is looking at ways to interact with NZSP members in other parts of NZ who are  keen to operate as regional groups of the Cardiothoracic SIG


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