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References to Ethics in the Executive Minutes 1973 -1983

Mentions of ethics in the NZSP Executive Minutes from 1973 - 1983

TAGS: ethics, references, executive minutes, 1973, 1983

22 - 11- 73   -   Report from Ethics Sub-Committee - they considered the NZSP should have greater disciplinary powers.  It was resolved that the Council approach the Physiotherapy Board to discuss the feasibility of making registration dependent upon the applicant being a member of an appropriate professional body.

14 - 9 - 74   -   Ethics sub-Committee -It was resolved that the Council establish an informal dialogue with the Physiotherapy Board on the question that drugs may be administered by physiotherapists under the direction of  a Medical Officer, and to obtain legal advice on this.

3 - 9 -77 -   Disciplinary Procedures - It was agreed a brochure should be prepared to set out the steps to be  taken if any member of the public had a complaint against a physiotherapist.

1 -10 - 77  -  .Disciplinary Procedures -  The brochure from the NZMA was read - it was suggested that the Society should set up a Complaints Committee, some felt it should work in with the ACC referees. It was resolved that a Complaints Committee should be set up with Mr. Neame to chair it, branches to be asked for nominations to the Committee who have power to co-opt.

11 - 2 -78 - Display of Professional Qualifications - from Otago,  a conflict in the use of letters by the Potters Assn.    Mrs. Patterson to contact the Potters Assn.

There was concern about the Complaints and Discipline Section - ACC had expressed concern at this.

24 - 3 - 79   -   Complaints - it was agreed that branches would distribute pamphlets, also to hospital Assns.

16 - 6 - 79  -  Complaints brochures - as the previous supply of 1,000 has run out a further 500 will be printed.

22 - 9 - 79   -   That in view of the fact that often the practice of physiotherapy is outside the ethics of our Assn, the Society convene a committee to consider changing our ethics so that the best interests of the patient are served. Elected to committee - Mr. Neame, Misses D. Gordon & L.Askew.

24 - 11 - 79   -   New ethical rules to be sent to branches for comment.

17 - 2 - 80   -   G.Wilson Present.    Ethics review - Mr. Neame to continue and report be sent to branches.

23 - -9- -80 - Duty on Imported wheelchairs - This Society will not endorse any particular product, but it is concerned at the suggestion that a product is more expensive than a competitors.

AGM  13 - 2 - 82   -  Ethics and Professional code - It was resolved that - A member may offer his services as a physiotherapist provided

  1. There is an indication for physiotherapy treatment.
  2. There are no medical contra-indications to treatment.
  3. All reasonable efforts have been made to obtain adequate clinical data.
  4. Referral to a medical practitioner if  there is an unexpected deterioration in the patient.
  5. It is not ethical to endorse equipment, or enter into agreements with organisations to provide physiotherapy where it is in breach of the laws of NZ.
  6. It is only allowed to Advertise but a name plate, stationery, card, in journal. The professional code was also spelt out.

30 - 8 - 80   -   Letter of resignation from D. Gordon from Ethics and Salaries Committees.

MATTERS ARISING FROM REGIONAL COUNCIL - Disciplinary Matters - It was resolved that a physiotherapist when treating patients referred by a medical officer is bound by ethics to ensure that any further medical consultation must be with the referring doctor, or where an emergency situation may require consultation with another Doctor is allowed., providing the original doctor is informed.

24 - 4 - 82  -  The Ethics Committee had become redundant at the AGM in 1982.

2 - 10 - 82  -  Discipline and related matters - there are four cases under review, Mrs. Wood had dealt with them and no more was known.

AGM  12 - 2 - 83   -   A set of rules was laid down for the Complaints & Disciplinary Committee

- 4 members,  appointed by  Executive, Chairman elected by committee.

13 - 2 - 83   -   Complaints and Disciplinary Committee - in view of the Rule changes at the AGM it was decided that the new Committee would be composed of four members and one lay person. These people to select their own Chairman by postal ballot.. In view of this the Regional Complaints and Disciplinary Committees will be disbanded.

25 - 3 - 83   -   Complaints and Disciplinary - The new members are - Mrs. Carol Cowan, Miss Monica Huisman, Mrs. Enid Whiteling, Mr. Erwin Drok, Mr. Ivan Compton (lay person).  It was resolved that there should be no member of Executive on this Committee, so that Executive can act as the appeal board. Mr. E. Drok then resigned from the Committee.

28 - 5 - 83 - The Chairman for the Complaints and Discipline Committee is Mr. Compton, Mr. Drok is replaced by Mr. Peter Drury.

23- 7 - 83   -   Complaints and Discipline Committee - this Committee was active and several people had been dealt with and informed of the outcome.  Disciplinary Committee -the Chairman proposed we keep a Disciplinary Register. It was felt some from the Northern Region should be dealt with by the National Executive.

17 - 9 - 83  -  Complaints and Discipline -  a specific rule interpretation was done by Executive.

26 - 11 - 83  -  Complaints and Discipline Committee - The Executive discussed ethics as they apply to advertising and publicity. This led on to a review of ethics being looked at by Steve White and Rickey Knight. Once they have made recommendations they can be put before the members

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