
The question of Honoraria was discussed in May 1995. The Finance Committee was asked what effect the payment of $100 per weekend meeting for National Executive members with a higher rate for the President would have on the 1995 budget.

TAGS: honoraria, 1995

The question of Honoraria was discussed in May 1995.  The Finance Committee was asked what effect the payment of $100 per weekend meeting for National Executive members with a higher rate for the President would have on the 1995 budget.  It was felt that the voluntary work carried out by members in their official capacity as Officers of the Society should be recognised.

The Finance Committee were to develop and implement the policy for inclusion in the 1996 Financial budget.

The issue of Honoraria was again discussed in November 1996.  The Chairperson of the ACC Standing Committee asked that consideration be given to paying an honorarium to nonsalaried Committee members for attendance at weekday meetings.  This was discussed,  with reference being made to the 1995 Finance Committee briefing paper on payment of honoraria.  It was noted that honoraria would also need to be paid to salaried members when they were required to take annual leave to attend weekday meetings.

While there was acknowledgment of the immense contribution made by a small group of individuals for the benefit of all members,  there was agreement that payment of honoraria would result in an even greater increase in member subscriptions fees than those which were already  necessary for the coming year.  It was suggested that other NZSP members may be able to offer support to Committee members by offering to do an occasional locum.

A member sought to put a Notice of Motion to the 1997 AGM that in recognition of the time and commitment required of the NZSP President and Vice President, the President’s current honorarium of $5,000 be increased to $30,000 and a honorarium of $5,00 be established for the Vice President. Grace Wilson drew attention to the NZSP rules which require a Notice of Motion upon policy to have been submitted to the National Secretariat at least 90 days before the meeting. It was moved and carried that consideration be given to both of these proposals.

In June 1997 the Office Manager Joy Tedder researched these honoraria proposals by locating earlier papers on honorariums,  and ascertaining current taxation implications.  She sent her findings to MRC for inclusion in a discussion paper to be circulated to branches for comment.,  which was further considered  in October 1997.

Grace Wilson presented a paper on Honoraria at the 1998 AGM noting that there should be a clear difference between expenses and honoraria.

  1. Honoraria of any kind to Society members should be nominal -not equivalent to salaries.
  2. There should be a clear difference between expenses and honoraria.
  3. President’s legitimate expenses could be - standard expenses plus child care,  small clothing allowance.  If these bills cannot be settled directly cash settlement might be considered,  with legal procedures for tax complied with.
  4. There should be a “Cap” on this system - suggested it should not exceed a total of 12 category membership subscription fees in one year.
  5. No other Society member should receive any reward - it is insidious to differentiate on financial rewards.

The meeting felt that further discussion was required, it would be referred back to branches.  The Executive Director prepared a further discussion paper on honoraria based on comments received from Standing Committee etc.  The paper was distributed to branches and SIGs at the end of October 1998.

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