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Members of the Management Review Committee

Members of the Management Review Committee

TAGS: management review committee, members, MRC

Members of the Sub-Committee to Oversee the Structure and Function of Council

1974 one person from each branch - Mrs. De Cateret convenor
1976 Miss Gordon, Mr. McKenzie, Mrs. P.Wood + Mr. Neame in 1977

Management Review Committee

1982 Mr. M.Lamont,  Mr.E.Drok,   Miss M. Huisman,   Mrs. G.Wilson
1983 Mr. M.Lamont , Mr.E.Drok,  Miss M. Huisman,   Mrs. G.Wilson
1984 Grace Wilson;     Michael Lamont, Erwin Drok, Monica Huisman.
1985 Mrs. G. Wilson, Mr. M. Lamont, Mr. E.Drok, Miss M.Huisman
1986 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Mr Drok, Miss Huisman
1987 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Mr Drok, Miss Huisman
1988 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Mr Drok, Miss Huisman
1989 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Mr Drok, Sheila Mann
1990 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Sheila Mann,  Mrs. B.Hetherington
1991 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Sheila Mann,  Mrs. B.Hetherington
1992 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Sheila Mann, Miss M. Skinner
1993 Grace Wilson, Mr. Lamont, Miss M.Skinner and one other
1994 Mrs. G.Wilson,  Mr. M.Lamont,   Miss M. Skinner;
1995 Mrs. G.Wilson,   Mr. E. Drok,   Miss M. Skinner,  Ms. F. Murdoch
1996 Grace Wilson, Mr. E.Drok, Fiona Murdoch
1997 Grace Wilson,     Erwin  Drok,     Fiona  Murdoch
1998 Grace Wilson, Mr. E.Drok, Fiona Murdoch


Grace Wilson  
1982 - 1998
20 years
Michael Lamont 1982 -  1994 12 years
Erwin Drok 1982 - 1987;  1989  - 1990;  1995 -  1998 7 years
Monica Huisman 1982 - 1988 12 years
Sheila Mann 
1989 - 1991 4 years
Barbara Hetherington
1990 - 1991 2 years
Margot Skinner 1992 - 1995 4 years
Fiona Murdoch
1995 -  1998 3 years

The Chairperson of MRC has been Grace Wilson except for May 1991 to April 1993 when Sheila Mann was Chairperson.


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