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Rules for Branches and Special Interest Groups

In January 1984 rule guidelines were sent to SIGs and branches, and in May 1984 the rules for NZMTA were discussed.

TAGS: branch rules, sig rules, special interest groups

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

When the rules were reviewed in 1978 rules governing the SIGs were-

  1. Members must be financial members of the Society.
  2. They must have a constitution compatible with the aims and rules of the Society.
  3. They must have a Chairman, or President, Secretary and/or Treasurer & a Committee of not less than two.
  4. They must have operated for one year before applying to the Society for recognition and have had a membership of not less than ten during that time.
  5. Must supply a report annually to the Society.

There had been a Sport therapists Special Interest Group from 1981 - 1984

In March 1983 Special Interest Groups were  

  1. Hospital Physiotherapists Assn. - some changes were needed to the rules. 
  2. NZMTA - Some changes needed in the constitution.
  3. Charge physiotherapists Association
  4.  Private Practitioners Association

In January 1984 rule guidelines were sent to SIGs and branches,  and in May 1984 the rules for NZMTA were discussed.  As the various SIGs formed their rules were submitted to MRC

  1. MNZTA were ratified in 1984
  2. PAPMA were ratified in 1984
  3. Neurological Group ratified in 1986
  4. Occupational Health Group ratified in 1987
  5. Hospital Physiotherapists had been ratified in 1983 and the Charge Physiotherapists in 1975
  6. In 1986 the two amalgamated to be known as the  Hospital Physiotherapists Association.
  7. Cardiothoracic were ratified in 1987
  8. The Hand therapists were ratified in 1991
  9. Women’s Health and Childbirth Education were ratified in 1992
  10. Physiotherapy for the Elderly were ratified in 1993
  11. SMART Group were ratified in 1994
  12. Paediatric Group ratified in 1995
  13. Sports Therapists were ratified in 1997

In May 1991 MRC recommended that SIG membership be open to all members of the Society with a common interest and not restricted to members in a particular location.  NZSP rules state that membership is open to all persons registered under the Physiotherapy Act.  SIG’s must have a constitution compatible with that of the Society.  In November 1991 legal opinion was sought to be sure that the Society did not inherit any debts following the winding up of any SIG.

Branch Rules

In July 1993 MRC were asked to review present branch rules and produce a master copy,  by November 1993 they had produced a draft copy of revised branch rules with an invitation for branches to revise their rules using this format.  In February 1994 this format was slightly revised and sent again to branches.  The branches then sent their rules in to be checked.

Standing committees

In 1986 there were two new Standing Committees  - the Public Relations Committee and the Conference Committee.  MRC meetings in 1986 had all been by teleconference.  In 1987 they had one face to face meeting, the rest were by teleconference.  In March 1986 a meeting was held between CEAC, CDC and MRC  The result of that meeting was that a new Ethical Committee was formed.  In December 1988 it was agreed that when ethical matters pertaining to the public were involved the Ethical Committee should be given the power to co-opt an extra person.


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