April 1980 - a special AGM SHEO will be wound up 3-12-80

April 1981 - documents relating to physiotherapy will be released in time

May 1982 the result of the recent national ballot had been to refer the question of payment allowance to the Public Sector Tribunal.  Mr. Potiki NZSP Salaries Committee Advocate,  the NZSP will consider the question of non-members

July 1982  Lamont met minister,  told a strike would not be tolerated

August 1982 -On the advice of the Salaries and Conditions of Employment Committee Executive agreed to the training allowance for physiotherapists supervising students in clinical areas being taken to tribunal.  The Committee and Mr. Potiki drafted a submission at a cost of $1500  There was debate about the approach to negotiations with PSA. Society members might see dual membership unnecessary & Society loose support.  Executive voted that the Society set up machinery to open discussion with the Executive of PSA on the possible transfer to the PSA of the right to negotiate salaries and conditions of employment for physiotherapists employed under the provisions of the State Services conditions of employment 1977.

July 1983  - Hospital physiotherapists new SIG - completed formulation of rules

September 1983 - aims and objectives of Hospital physiotherapists in Newsletter

July 1987 meeting between HPA and PPA -  intend to produce a joint article.  Dorothy Gordon had this to say on the challenge to Hospital physiotherapists “Future uncertainty” describes the health system - Area Health Boards are coming.

September 1987 Hospital physiotherapists prepared submission to hospital & related services taskforce

April 1989 ? do hospital physiotherapists want PSA to negotiate for them or NZSP

July 1989 - Hospital budget cuts - Society trying to help

March 1990 - 2 physiotherapists on Areas Health Boards - June Gardiner Canterbury and Sita Monaghan Nelson

June 1991 - Sue Webster appointed NZSP co-ordinator for Health Board employees

September 1991 - Sue Webster co-ordinator 6 weeks.   She made a submission on current status & future directions

November 1991 - material on accredited assessor.  Also wants physiotherapists accredited in ambulation

February 1992 encouraging members to co-ordinate

September 1992 - RHA’s established,  Crown Health established.

November 1992 - Robin McGlashen - Primary Provider’s guide to  - “making it work”.

December 1992  Robin suggested Management in Physiotherapy Department

February 1993  Robyn has good data base on terms and conditions of employment in public sector

April 1993 - Robyn meeting with Physiotherapy Managers to discuss models for career structure.

August 1993 Career structure - must be accountable to a physiotherapist

September 1993 - co-ordinator continuing to work ? use silicone oil.

October 1993 - Health Board Employees co-ordinator continuing.

December 1993  page 2 Robin was well up to date with average pay rates and negotiations that public sector physiotherapists  were undertaking

October 1995 - Hospital liaison page 3 letter sent to Hospital liaison persons.  If you have not got one in your hospital, elect one now.  Some Hospital have ACC case managers - be pro-active in liaising with them.

February 1996 - Gail de Boer started

April 1996 - page 5  physiotherapists working in the public sector attended a short meeting called by Nell Dawson at conference.  It was agreed a newsletter would be an effective way of keeping up-to-date.

July 1996 page 1 -Message from Vice-President Nell Dawson Executive have targeted different areas to work on- Nell was developing structure to look at marketing the Society the four RHAs.  Should unite public & private sectors instead of competing as in the past each had a role to play.  Disability Support Services still generally delivered by a multidisciplinary team and still traditionally done through CHE services

August 1997 page 1 - Presidents comment -Lee attended Hospital Manager’s Group at Conference.  Need to work together, and make new contacts and networks work together.  It is vital that the profession work together on issues such as integrated care, contracting, identification of gaps in services, defining standards, marketing etc to protect and promote the right for patients to access physiotherapy .

September 1997 - page 1 President’s comment - new concept to look at career pathways and remuneration for physiotherapist;   page 4  Physiotherapy Managers’ conference 199 21 attended Charge physiotherapists area rare breed replaced by Physiotherapy  co-ordinators, Physiotherapy Managers,  Physiotherapy Professional Advisors, directors of Physiotherapy , clinical Co-ordinators etc

October 1997 page 5 -  Christchurch Hospital awarded ISO9002 certification 

page 6 - Public Sector column -Instead of having a public sector newsletter Executive decided to have a public sector column as a regular feature of the NZSP Newsletter.  NZSP branches were asked to establish a public sector liaison role whereby relevant information can be communicated to branch members working in the public sector.

November 1997 page 5 Working Party for physiotherapy career pathways and a framework for appropriate remuneration for physiotherapists  page 6 Public Sector Column. -pysiotherapy research in the Public Health sector

December 1997 Column page 5 Dannevirke Community Hospital - private physiotherapy part of it.

February 1998 page 7 -Public sector column Dannevirke from a physiotherapy perspective, Hutt Valley Health Physiotherapy accreditation for 3 years.

March 1998 page 4 - Members of Career pathway & Remuneration Rhoda Allison, Wendy Brown, Sheila Mann, Leanne Robinson,  Ann Siddal,  Pamela Whitewood. page 5  To appoint public sector liaison NZSP met CEO of HFA He will publish all documents produced by the HFA and circulate them for consultation.

April 1998 - page 5 - Public sector  Column accredited assessors National Environment Support Services Framework Project - pages 10-  career pathways and Remuneration Working Party - purpose, composition  and terms of reference

May 1998  page 3  teleconference will be held for branch Public Sector Liaison Officers in June page 5 Column -Physiotherapy & Maternal Health. he short term post natal policy is eliminating pysiotherapy services after childbirth

June 1998  page 5  Column Physiotherapy in Education for the Pre-school and School aged child page 7 Public Sector Liaison Teleconference to be held on 1 July 1998

July 1998  page 6 column  SE 2000 Gail went + teleconf. 1 July. Issues raised were - NZSP membership fees, Professional Liability Insurance;  areer pathways,  Pay Scales, NZSP/PSA liaison, ACC contracts with CHEs, Non- funding for outpatient services,  Accredited Assessor Accreditation,  Promotion /marketing of Public Sector Physiotherapy , continuing Education  requirements,  Increase in workload for Community physiotherapists,  Use of hand symbol in Hospitals

August 1998 page 8 re details of teleconference 1 July - fees, NZSP membership, Career pathways, Pay scales, ACC contracts with CHEs, HFA contracts with CHEs, marketing, continuing Education   Jane Cumming is discussing accreditation of in-service programmes with some CHEs

September 1998 Column page 7 -Report on Working Group meeting - effective services for children and young people - meeting with representatives from Health & Education  to identify workforce and training issues - Report  by Pat Caswell

October 1998   page 8 - An approach from the PSA -, acknowledge they have not always achieved the best for physiotherapists in the past,  but now hope to work more closely with NZSP to ensure they serve the profession well in the future - SE 2000 Update - key messages for therapists working with children & young people.

November 1998 page 9  What can I expect from Health & Disability services in NZ published by HFA - copies sent to branches

December 1998  page 11  ACC contracts at Public Hospitals - Cochrane call for Physiotherapy  research papers on breathing exercises as a treatment for adult asthma.

February 1999 page 6 - Inquiry into Neonatal chest Physiotherapy , Update on Environmental support Services Project

March 1999 page 10 - further update on environment Support Services Project

May 1999 page 11 column information technology U.S. style - a type of software

June 1999 page 11 column - How the Accident Insurance Act 1998 will affect Hospital and Health Services

July 1999 - page 4 - Report on Neonatal chest Physiotherapy at National Women’s Hospital

page 8 column - ACC-funded Head Injury clinic Opened in Wellington

September 1999 - page 5 column Successful Networking opportunity for HHS Physiotherapy Managers Report  of Conference

October 1999 - Public Sector Column - University of Otago Careers Meeting. - working in the hospital setting.

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