22 - 9 - 73
Retirement from Physiotherapy Board by Mr. Thompson. Two nominations received - Mr. Neame & Mr. Nichol. It was resolved to change the method of voting for Physio Board Members - Branches to nominate and Council to vote. This plan was to be circulated to branches.     That Council prepare a programme of post-registration training aimed at improving patient care. This would need to be incorporated in the Physiotherapy Act as part of registration. It was resolved to ask Auckland Branch to come up with a plan.
Report from Physiotherapy Board     received. Meeting held on 19 July 1973.

That the NZSP have a suitable letter (welcome and benefits of belonging to the NZSP) to be lodged with the Secretary of the Physiotherapy Board to be included in all notifications of registration.  Carried

8 - 2 - 74   AGM
Discussion on the change made to the procedures for the selection of nominees for positions on the Physiotherapy Board.  It was decided that Council should re-constitute rules that allow the Society’s members views to be expressed on matters of national importance.

9 - 2 - 74                     
Physiotherapy Board Retirement - four  nominations had been received. Curriculum Vitae’s to be circulated to Branches. - Mr. J C Cameron, Mr.M.Lamont, Mr. A. Neame, Mr. P. Nichols
Miss S.Glendining retiring from the Physiotherapy Board. As she was a hospital staff appointment her successor should be an employee of a hospital.
10. A letter to be sent by the Physiotherapy Board to new Registrants was read and with minor changes approved.

14 - 9 - 74   
The Ethics sub-committee decided that the possibility of making registration dependent upon the applicant being a member of the appropriate professional body should be made by the representative of Council  to the Physiotherapy Board.
It was carried that members of the Physiotherapy  Board be elected by Postal Ballot.  This meant that  the resolution of 22nd Sept 1973 was rescinded.
It was noted that Miss Johnstone was one of the nominees for the position on the Physiotherapy Board which would become vacant on the retirement of Miss Glendining.  There was some doubt as to whether Miss Johnstone was eligible, the National Secretary to find out and tell Miss Johnstone.

15 - 3 - 75

  1. Notice of Motion from Auckland re Physiotherapy Board Representatives.  If there be more than one nominee the matter should be put to Postal Ballot.  This was voted upon and lost - Wellington had found this a very expensive matter last year.
  2. Making Registration Dependent upon Society Membership - the Secretary had sent a letter to the Board about this, the Board had replied saying that if that was what the Society wanted it should then become the registering body.  There was discussion about this, it was resolved that the National Secretary should write again and request a review of the Board’s position.
  3. Mr. Sim was due to retire from the Physiotherapy Board - it was thought he may wish to reapply.
  4. Concerning a circular sent to Charge Physiotherapists saying that the Physiotherapy Board should be notified whenever a physiotherapist becomes a patient in a psychiatric hospital, and rewording of  the circular to maintain privacy for the physiotherapist.  The Health Dept had already done this and the remit was  withdrawn.
  5. The NZSP  letter to new registrants had been sent out to 118 registrants and several enquires had been received.

20 - 9 - 75    

  1. Wellington asked that  a letter go to both schools and the Physiotherapy Board requesting the serious consideration be given to adding a 4th year to physiotherapy training.  Some delegates thought the 4th year should be used for Manual Therapy training and possibly acupuncture. However this was not added to the letter. The letter was also to go the Director-General of Education. Mr. Neame said it was important to consider appropriate international standards.
  2. Making Registration dependent upon Society Membership - Mr. Lamont reported that the letter sent by  the Secretary to the Board on the 9th April 1975 had not been received or considered.  Mr. Lamont felt that there should be no conflict of interest and suggested the Society should grant interim membership and full membership conditional only upon the applicant becoming registered by the Board within a specified time. It was resolved the Secretary should write again to the   Physiotherapy  Board.
  3. Physiotherapy Board Vacancy - Miss D.Gordon had been elected in the postal ballot.
  4. Letter from the Director - General of Health re medical representation on the Physiotherapy Board - Dr. Leopold Mirken nominated.
  5. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. de Vetter in which he applied to have additional credentials added after his name on the Physiotherapy Register. It was agreed the letter would be forwarded to the Physiotherapy Board.
  6. Concerning nominations to the Physiotherapy Board; if there are more than one nominee the Society should have a National Postal Ballot   This was lost. 14 - 2 - 76  
  7. Making  Registration Dependant upon Society Membership - Mr. Lamont explained the thinking of the Board and said it would take a much more positive action in exercising its disciplinary power.  It was decided to keep a watching brief on this matter
  8. From the Physiotherapy Board - Dr. Johnathon Peter had been re-elected

25 - 9 - 76 
Disciplinary Procedure - a letter from the Physiotherapy  Board regarding a general review of disciplinary procedures.               
The Physiotherapy Board was now prepared to look at all complaints. Branch Secretaries asked to Report  all complaints to the National Secretary, whether Members or not.

12 - 3 - 77              
Proposed pre-registration year.  This had been proposed by the Physiotherapy Board.  The meeting felt that a pre-registration period of one year be instituted and that it was felt that it would be too restricted to insist that such a  year be served where there was a minimum of one other physiotherapist. It was resolved that a Hospital Board should offer a number of internships in relation to its size on a continuing basis, and that these positions should terminate at the end of each year.  The meeting felt that the pre-registration year should not be regarded as an extension of training, but purely a consolidation of the prior training, and that registration should be granted automatically.
Physiotherapy Board - Mr. Lamont’s two year term had terminated. He would be asked to attend the next meeting.

23 - 7 - 77                   
Physiotherapy Board - A Postal Ballot was being conducted re the Private Practitioners Rep. After much discussion Mr. Lamont to continue until a result is known. There were no other nominations for Miss Draper’s position, so she would continue in Office.
Proposed Pre- Registration Year  - The Physiotherapy Board Acknowledged a letter.

1 - 10 - 77
Private Practitioners Report - first a concern at the length of appointments to the Physiotherapy Board. Some were 2 years and some were 3 years  The second part dealing with the pre-registration year. It was apparent many members were no longer so keen on this idea. To go back to branches, and the Secretary to write to the Physiotherapy  Board saying the Society was having second thoughts about a pre-registration year.

20 - 5 - 78
Complaints pamphlet - 200 copies had been printed at the expense of Mr. Neame.  Changes suggested by Canterbury Branch were brought to the meeting. There is a possibility that when the rules of the Society are amended to include the disciplinary principles the Physiotherapy Board may opt out of this. A letter was sent to the Physiotherapy Board, advising of the necessity to adopt the complaints procedure. and requesting that it brought before a Board meeting

16 - 6 - 79
Failed Candidates - letter from the Physiotherapy Board advising that in future the possibility of failed candidates being allowed to sit at each subsequent examination will be taken into account.

2 - 12 - 78 
J. Bonica using letters he is not entitled to use - MCSP & MNZTA - a letter to be sent.

24 - 3 - 79 
J. Bonica - re illegal use of initials - letter received from him, and released to the Physiotherapy Board

16 - 6 - 79
J. Bonica - to ask legal counsel whether Mr. Bonica can be expelled from the Society on the information held at present.

24 - 11 - 79
Auckland Branch - advising that Mr. Lamont & Miss Glendining are to report on the feasibility of the Society  taking over the Physiotherapy Board functions.

22 - 9 - 79                                
Physiotherapy board re Mr. Bonica - Letter giving details of penalties imposed. It was resolved that this information should be published in the Journal.
Physiotherapy Board - discussion took place on the conditional registration year and the Board is to be asked when this is to become effective and whether the establishment is to be two or three Physiotherapists, plus the pre-registrant.

17 - 2 - 80  

  1. Physiotherapy Board - advising of Mr. Lamont’s re-appointment.
  2. Physiotherapy Board - re ethics - they have not understood details - to be sent
  3. Dept Health re definition of Masseur Resolved that the Physiotherapy  Board be requested to make available to the Society copies of their recommendations to the Minister relating to the deletion of the term “masseur” from the Physiotherapy  Act.
  4. Re Mr. Bonica - opinion to be sought from Solicitor re action. The possibility of registering the letters NZSP to be investigated.

3 - 5 - 80 
Physiotherapy Board, advising Miss Draper’s term of office ends on  31 -12-1980. Branches to make nominations.
Deletion of the term “Masseur” in the Physiotherapy Act.  Physiotherapy Legislation, legal advice to be sought. To look at the possibility of including a compulsory membership clause in the Act. The possibility of the Society making an independent submission rather than through the Board, is to be considered.
Mr. Bonica, explaining error through use of old stationery.  He wishes to join Wellington branch.

30 - 8 - 80
Physiotherapy Board - whether the Society support the re-appointment of Mr. Mirkin.

20 - 9 - 80

  1. Review of the Physiotherapy Act - Society submissions have been acknowledged.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - re deletion of term “masseur”’ from Section 26 of the Physiotherapy  Act.
  3. Canterbury - that the Society consider that the issuing of a Practising Certificate be subject to a Physiotherapist having accrued a required number of credits as evidence of suitable courses over a five year period.  Passed - the Education committee to study.
  4. Canterbury - The Physiotherapy Board be asked to extend the training from 3 to 4 years. Passed. A complete restructuring of the course is needed -Education  Committee to formulate submission to Physiotherapy  Board
  5. Otago - that the Physiotherapy - the Physiotherapy  survey is nearly ready and hope to have a Report  in Nov Journal Board should approach the Education Dept to recognise for employment purposes, the Diploma in Physiotherapy as a degree equivalent.  Passed
  6. Registration MNZSP - Letters cannot be registered, the best protection would be as an amendment to the Act.
  7. Wellington Branch - re membership of Mr. Bonica it they cannot get a proposed and seconder they must tell Mr. Bonica.

29 - 11 - 80                    
Physiotherapy  Act- Legal advisers are to be asked to suggest alteration which may be possible in the Physiotherapy  Act to protect Physiotherapists from others who are practising Physiotherapy.

  1. NMA Representation on the Physiotherapy Board - in future they will work within the intent of the Physiotherapy Act.
  2. Mr. Bonica’s application for membership has been approved.


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