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  1. Protection of  Physiotherapists - Izard & Weston had found a loophole in the Act - the Physiotherapy Board to see what stage the revision of the Act is at, and whether it could be included.
  2. Physiotherapy Board - re term expiring for Mrs.Ingram and Dr. Simcock.  Nominations for Mrs. Ingram’s position required.
  3. NZMTA  re amendment to Physiotherapy Act - that acupuncture be included in the list of pain relieving modalities. It was resolved that the Advisory Physiotherapist be contacted to determine the current position is regarding acupuncture.

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  1. Disciplinary Matters - this is to considered -those provisions of the Act which are about disciplinary matters and on which submission to the Minister of Health should be made to have repealed and replaced with realistic and necessary provisions from the point of view of the  Society.
  2. Revision of  the Physiotherapy Act - the Physiotherapy Board said it is inappropriate to meet with the Society to consider this. Any suggestions are welcome. The General Secretary to ascertain why it is inappropriate to have those discussions at this stage and to research the procedures adopted by kindred Societies. The President and Mrs. Whiteling to research the papers and records of the Society and Report  to Executive on those provisions of the Act for which revision is either desirable or necessary from the point of view of the Society.
  3. Physiotherapy Board Miss Gordon had reported on the current satisfactory position concerning the format of State Examinations.  Dr. Simcock is retiring from the Board.

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  1. A sub Committee of the Physiotherapy Board is to meet in Auckland to discuss changes to the Physiotherapy Act.  Miss Finlayson may attend.  Also to research the term physical therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy Board - much correspondence - It was resolved that the NZSP support the nomination of Mrs. Ingram to the Board and also  Dr. MacLaurin.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - Nominees appointed - Mrs. Ingram & Dr.MacLaurin. Still communication problems re the medical nominee.
  2. Nelson - that membership of the NZSP be compulsory for all practising physiotherapists working in NZ.   -  Carried, ask Director General of health re Physiotherapy Act.
  3. Physiotherapy Board - time there was a review of the Technical Institute Physiotherapy Education.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - Evaluation of Physiotherapy  training.
  2. Letter from Nelson Branch would like to reopen the matter of compulsory membership of the NZSP
  3. Physiotherapy  Board will make an approach to the University Grants Committee

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  1. Education Committee of  the Physiotherapy  Board- Functions are -Training, State Examinations, Further training and Examination of registered Physiotherapists, Content of Post-Basic Courses. Membership if the Registrar of the Board, Chairman of State Examination Committee, HOD of both schools, Chairman Education  Committee, NZSP, one practising Physiotherapist - Miss Jackman
  2. Review of Physiotherapy Act - Mr. Lamont reported that this is unlikely to occur in 1982
  3. Compulsory Membership - the Director General of Health  wrote that it was their policy that this should be voluntary.

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  1. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Bath Attendants - the Registrar of the Physiotherapy Board invited a person to visit the Hospital to assess the situation of bath attendants.  Miss Jackman was nominated.
  2. Review of Physiotherapy Act - It was resolved that when the Act is opened the NZSP make submissions to it, and that members be informed.  Auckland branch would like to know (1) what submissions the Society have put in  and (2) an official statement on the points that the Physiotherapy  Board agreed to submit with regard to the opening of the Act.
  3. Physiotherapy Board - Mr. Lamont’s term expiring.

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  1. Student clinical Supervision and related matters. - The Registrar of the Board gave support to the clinical experience gained by students in hospitals . A letter was received from the Minister of Health saying some new initiatives need to be taken relating to the claim for a clinical tutoring allowance for hospital physiotherapists.. He asked the Society to prepare information about the qualifications of tutors and their role and job descriptions. When it has been forwarded a meeting will be arranged with school representatives. A committee was formed to deal with this - Mrs Wood, OPT and ATI Charge Physio Assn,  Salaries & Conditions Committee and Education Committee.
  2. Physiotherapy Board - a letter stating how information from meetings is relayed to the Society. Some material must remain confidential to the Board, other material may be given to the Society by its nominees.
  3. Nomination for Physiotherapy Board - Miss Findlayson asked why the envelops were numbered - she was assured  envelops were  matched to voters.
  4. Examination Committee for the Board - Ms. Lyn Beasley, Mrs. R. Ham, Mr. Lamont, Mrs. Jenny Leyland, Miss McKone and Miss Pryor.

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  1. Student Clinical Supervision - This issue was also hotly debated. The proposal to form a committee had not happened because no one would serve on it. After a long debate on the subject it was resolved that the General Secretary write to the Minister saying that the Society is still very much involved and still gathering information. Finally Mrs. Ford agreed to chair a committee. It was also noted that Education Employed PT’s need to be covered in the PSA agreement. 
  2. Queen Elizabeth Bath attendants - the Minister of Health is considering  the question  of service organisation.
  3. Appointment to the PT. Board - Mr. Lamont was re-appointed.
  4. Examination Committee - PT Board -a nomination to the Board or its Committee must be accompanied by a CV, details of experience, and current area of practice.

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Report from Physiotherapy Board - Tabled. It was resolved that the Society recommends that there be an open process of appeal and the right of review for state examinations in physiotherapy.

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General Business - Mr.M.Laslett raised the matter of discipline with regards to the Physiotherapy  Board.  There was a lengthy discussion about this matter, which appeared to hinge on  a Physiotherapist prescribing the Physiotherapy . It was felt the Physiotherapy  Board had turned something that should have been a minor matter into a major one. It was resolved that  the NZSP write to the Physiotherapy  Board saying the Society is unhappy about the nature and scope of the Board’s Disciplinary Powers and Activities.  After much discussion this was passed . It was also agreed that the NZSP work with the Board to get the Act changed.

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The Physiotherapy Act - either a new Act,   or a Bill before the end of the year.

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Board of Health Nominee - Mr. D.McKenzie to be the Society’s nomination.

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Physiotherapy Board - following letters from the Dept of Health and the Registrar about the “White Card” the Chairman is to have an interview with Miss Askew.

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Physiotherapy Board report tabled. The manpower white card has some changes for  1984 and the Society is still working on the design.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - re unprofessional terminology  from candidates taking the State Final Examination.  Some of  the Board’s definitions were disagreed with.    The Board stated that it had accepted Acupuncture as a valid modality within Physiotherapy .  Mrs. Wilson suggested they write to the Board asking for guidelines on standards and training.  A letter about additional qualifications which may be entered in the Physiotherapy  Register was discussed.
  2. Department of  Health - Mrs. Margaret Draper has been accepted as a nominee to the Physiotherapy  Board.  The Society supports Mr. Hopkins as the Medical Assn nominee.  Re the Physiotherapy  Act - The proposed amendment to consolidate the Physiotherapy  act has been withdrawn from the legislative programme for 1983 -   the Minister of Health suggested a combined Act - the Society strongly opposes a combined Act.  A meeting to be arranged between the Society and Minister of Health over this.   Re Physiotherapy  manpower - the White Card - a survey is to be conducted to see what baseline information is required from the card. In the meantime the Society supports the white Card.

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  1. Education Committee - Mrs. Ros Ham presented the following points - The composition of the Education Committee of the Physiotherapy  Board. It was decided that Mrs. M.Moon be co-opted to the Committee for a period of two years.. Mrs. Moon is also on the Society’s Education Committee.         Evaluation of  Physiotherapy  Training -
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - One of the subject recently discussed was who should action complaints - Board or the Health Dept. It was agreed the Board should do this. It was also  resolved to write to the Board stating disagreement with the opinions contained in a letter from the Dept. of Health on the subject of health studio infringements of  the Act.
  3. Physiotherapy Act - It was resolved that the Exudative ask our legal adviser to look at the Physiotherapy Act to see who is responsible within the Physiotherapy  Act for administering the Act in terms of registered Physiotherapists, unregistered personnel and the Physiotherapy  Amendment Act, so that we have an independent legal opinion.  Mr. Lamont tabled an Editorial which will be included in the November issue of  the Journal. The Executive expressed their strong opposition to the integration of  the Act with other para medical professions and discussed ways of preventing this.
  4. Encroachment of  Health Studios into Physiotherapy    An advertisement was viewed by Executive, and agreed this should be referred to the Physiotherapy  Board.
  5. Miss Draper and Mr. Hopkins have been appointed to the Physiotherapy Board.


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