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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - a letter about State Examinations - appeals - was sent on to the Education Committee. The Board agreed to the recognition of the ATI Advanced Diploma as an additional qualification. Letters used are ADP(MT) ATI.  A photocopy of a recent judgement from the disciplinary Committee was forwarded , with the proviso that the names be deleted. Mrs. Ingram’s term of office expires, and also Mr. McLaurin. Nominations will be called for..  Mr. Lamont gave a verbal report, but in future reports will be forwarded directly to the NZSP
  2. Registration Bill - A letter from the Dept of Health was forwarded concerning a confidential draft of the Combined Registration Bill. Executive objects in principle to combined bills, but will look at it.

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  1. NZ Physiotherapy  Board Nominations - Nominations were received for Miss Barbara Miller, Ace Neame, Gay Northcote, Erwin Drok and Ian Searle . A postal vote will be needed.   Dr. McLaurin was unanimously agreed to a further term.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - Recognition of  Specialist  Physiotherapists -

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - they had resolved that the State Final Practical Examinations be held a week after the written examination. They also would make no comment on Physiotherapists being employed by Doctors.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - The new nominee on the Board is Miss B. Miller. Other letters received were about - (1)Physiotherapy  ethics, (2) Interpretation on Section 26 & 27 of the Physiotherapy Act, (3) re forwarding of appeal against Decision of Physiotherapy  Board to the ACC (4) re Course of Study for NZ Physiotherapy  Students, (5) matters of interest to the Society (6) Psychiatric Education  for Physiotherapists.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board -It was resolved that when a vacancy occurs on the Physiotherapy Board nominee be called for from branches and on the postal ballot it should give first and second preference.
  2. Nominations to the Physiotherapy  Board - This had recently been discussed with the Minister of Health, the outcome will be circulated to Branches.

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  1. NZMTA - Mr. Searle expressed concern that the new member of the Board was from the Education sector. Executive felt the membership had made their decision.

17 - 2 - 85  -  Physiotherapy  Board - a letter requesting Examination topics

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - the question of  Society Nominations was discussed and at present the matter is with the Minister of Health. Mr. Lamont’s term will expire soon.

Health Registration Bill - Branches requesting information on this are being kept informed.

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Physiotherapy  Board - Nominations - the nominations submitted by the Society have not yet been dealt with by the Minister of Health.  The Physiotherapy  Board representative to attend WCPT will be invited to assist with the setting up of the stand and advertising material regarding registration in NZ at the stand at WCPT

25 - 5 - 85  -  Physiotherapy  Board - Mr. Lamont to write re Board nominations.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Body Corporate - Mr. Lamont, Miss Skinner & Mrs. Ham had a meeting with Health Dept Officials about this. A paper to be produced about this and circulated to branches.
  2. Mr. Lamont gave a verbal report about matters discussed  It was recommended by the Board that we forward the Society’s letter concerning educational entry level to Physiotherapy  programme to both Schools as our statement on the position. Executive were also advised that  the Board is writing to the Dept of Health re Physiotherapy  in Psychiatry requesting that the Dept consider establishing a Working party to consider this matter.  Physiotherapy  Board nominations - Mr. Lamont to see the Minister of Health about problems being experienced.
  3. Dept of Health - Physiotherapy  Act - Disciplinary Section [ Comments received from Branches and Special Interest Groups have been collated and will be incorporated in the Society’s submission.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - Mr. Ian Searle has been appointed for 3 years. Future nominees for the Board will be covered by Clause vii of the rules, and Executive will select from these nominees the final recommendation to the Minister of Health.  Mr. Lamont’s term ends at the end of the year.  He is eligible for re-election.
  2. Physiotherapy Board - Body Corporate Proposal - it was decided a letter from Executive should accompany the postal ballot - Executive must have a united front.  A letter from D.Gordon inquired whether the previous document “The Physiotherapy  Act- A change of Ownership” was the opinion of the Executive or alternatively, of the President. It was agreed the President wrote it with the confidence of Executive.
  3. Physiotherapy Board - development of a curriculum - The registrar is looking for names of members to participate in a DACUM exercise - the newsletter to ask for nominees.

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  1. Circulation of material concerning the Physiotherapy Board Body Corporate Proposal
  2. To consider and agree on the working of the discussion document “- A Physiotherapy  Act Proposal for Change”
  3. Dacum Selection Committee - Miss D.Gordon to represent the Society on this Wellington based Committee.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - The following Physiotherapists are on the DACUM Committee - Madeleine Sands, Anne McAuley, Patricia Monro, Janis Jameson, Dene Hancock, Gaynor Brown, Gael Surrey, Ainslee Vickers, Judy Wilson, . . . . . .The NZ Medical Assn. nominee to the Board is still unresolved. 
  2. The Registrar of the Board wrote to the NZPPA about the shortage of Physiotherapists. The NZPPA said they were keen to have student contact, and is willing to negotiate with the schools.
  3. Mr. Lamont’s term on the Board expires, there was no other nomination , therefore  it was resolved that the Society nomination to the Board be Mr. Lamont.
  4. Body Corporate Proposal - the Postal Ballot showed 80% of returns were in favour.
  5. Legislative sub-Committee - Re the Proposed re-writing of the Physiotherapy  Act a sub- Committee was set up - Mrs. Ham, Mr. Lamont & Mr. Drok.

AGM  19  - 1 - 86

  1. Physiotherapy  Board - the Body Corporate Proposal - Because not enough people replied another ballot will be conducted. The Minister does not want to be accused of not listening to the silent majority. It was resolved that the ballot should contain the same questions and must remain confidential.
  2. Mrs.Monro asked about the proposed new Physiotherapy Legislation and was told that the second draft of the proposed Health Registration Bill was to be used as the basis for the revised Physiotherapy  Act. The meeting received this news with dismay. A legislative sub Committee had been formed of Mr.Lamont, Mrs. Ham, and Mr Drok.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - Body Corporate Proposal - The Minister sent a letter saying that he was not prepared to support the required legislative changes you are seeking. The number of Physiotherapists who replied was not the majority of the membership.  Consequently another ballot will be conducted when the Annual Practising Certificates are mailed out.   It was moved that the incoming Executive reply to the Minister of Health outlining the points stated by Mr. Lamont i.e. that the department’s ballot contain the same questions and that the returns are confidential.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board nomination -It is the wish of the membership that Mr Lamont be appointed to the Physiotherapy  Board.

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  1. Physiotherapy Board - Body Corporate Proposal - Executive were very concerned to learn that the proposed ballot was to be deferred and agreed that officers of the Society should meet with the Dept of  Health to discuss the matter.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board Nomination - Mr.Lamont has been appointed for another 3 years.
  3. Medical member of the Board - discussion is still going on.
  4. Physiotherapy  Board - it was noted that the Physiotherapy Board agreed to a recommendation from the Education Committee that a letter be sent from the Board to the Dept. of Health asking that the Dept undertake a study of reasons why Physiotherapists are leaving both the profession and NZ. Executive agreed that a letter should be sent from the Society endorsing the request.  It was noted that information from the Board meeting on 28 November did not reach the Society until 19 February.
  5. Late arrival of APCs  - both the NZPPA and the President had contacted the Registrar of the Board.  The delay was caused by a delay in printing, and is regretted.
  6. Physiotherapy  Act - The Sub-Committee set up to prepare changes to the Act were now reviewing a section of a draft and a letter will be sent to the Health Dept advising them of this.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Body Corporate - A Report  was tabled about a meeting between the President, Vice President and members of the Health Dept.  The proposed timetable for action toward a new Ballot was set.
  2. A letter from Miss Draper was tabled concerning the expiry of her term with the Physiotherapy  Board.  She will not seek re-election.  Therefore nominations will be called for  from Branches and Special Interest Groups
  3. No further information about the Medical Assn. member of the Board.
  4. DACUM Exercise -Comments from Middle districts, North shore and Otago were tabled.
  5. New Physiotherapy  Legislation - Executive agreed that the sub Committee complete the preparation of the draft.

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Draft Physiotherapy  Legislation - the Society proposed draft was discussed and it was agreed that all Executive members should have a copy. It  is anticipated the Act will be placed on the Parliamentary Legislative programme sometime between now and the middle of next year.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Body corporate -Miss Askew had been too busy to prepare the promised figures for the running of the Board. The Chairman will write to Dr. Guthrie expressing concern at not having these., and asking how the timetable of 15 May my be adhered to.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - hospital nominee - Mrs. Randle and Mrs E. Lamb were put forward.
  3. Medical Assn. Physiotherapy  Board nominee - the name of Prof Campbell Murdoch was put forward and endorsed.
  4.  A Board Letter told of how the Board resolved to open formal negotiations with AECOP to enable overseas applicants wishing to register in NZ to sit  the Australian entry examination.. Also a letter saying that before offering jobs to overseas trained Physiotherapists they should be sure  they are eligible to register here.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - The estimated and projected costs for the Board were received. Mr. Drok, Mr. Lamont & Mrs Birrell to consider these.   A meeting will be arranged with Depot officers.
  2. The Board requested names of members who would be prepared to be examiners. During discussion it appeared the Board already had a list of names- these should be requested before more names are put forward. They also requested items for exam questions.
  3. In reply to a request to the Board for more information about AECOP - Australian Examining Council for Overseas Physiotherapists - the following was in a letter- our Board is satisfied these standards would meet our requirements. The Board has therefore reinstated discussion with AECOP about sharing the English test and the written screening examination. Verbally they have agreed to do this, but no written confirmation has been received. Clinical requirements will be added.

 10 - 10 - 86

  1. Physiotherapy  Board -Mrs. Stella Randle has been appointed to the Board, as has Prof Campbell Murdoch.
  2. Report  from the Board meeting of 27 November -Because of pressure of work the Board will no longer be able to supply a written account or meetings, or provide lists of persons registered with the Board. Executive were most dissatisfied with this, the nominees could not change the decision.
  3. Examination Committee - request for Nominees -  following receipt of the list of Physiotherapists currently serving on the Committee Executive requested that the Secretary ask about the length of term, reappointment conditions and criteria for selection to the Committee
  4. Physiotherapy  Board Education Committee nothing to report.
  5. Physiotherapy  Board Body Corporate Proposal - the figures provided by the Society were not acceptable to the Dept, so an independent cost analysis would be necessary. A quotation from the Otago Business Development centre was obtained and this has been accepted. NZPPA will fund the proposed cost analysis,
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