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  1. Health Reforms - General -Health and Disabilities Bill - Margot Skinner advised that she and J Tedder had met with members of  the Physiotherapy  Board prior to the Select Committee hearing. The Society’s submission covered all aspects of the Bill.  The Board’s submission related mainly to the changes required in the Physiotherapy  Act. 
  2. The Select Committee seemed favourably disposed towards the Society’s submission and it was generally agreed that the Physiotherapy  Act needed updating.  However Executive noted that their amendments were not included in the Health & Disabilities Bill although Health Dept Officials were informed by the Select Committee that changes were necessary.
  3. Health Commissioner Bill -It seems probable that the Bill will see all complaints against Healthcare providers being handled initially by the Commissioner and then being forwarded to the appropriate disciplinary bodies.  The Society has been advised that it is likely the Disciplinary Section of the Physiotherapy  Act will be changed under the Bill to enable this to occur.  Executive agreed that close liaison with the Dept of Health on the changes required in the Disciplinary Section of the Physiotherapy  Act should be maintained.
  4. Physiotherapy  Board - The Society has supported the Medical Assn. nomination of Dr. Glenys Arthur.  The Physiotherapy  Board Education  Committee will meet in February.

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  1. New Members - A leaflet “Join the Society the Supports your Profession” will be re-drafted and the Registrar of  the Physiotherapy  Board approached to see whether newly registered Physiotherapists could be forwarded a copy of this brochure.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - Preliminary Investigation Committee - The Board has advised that the Committee is - Mrs. Lois Clarkson, Mrs. Kay Valentine, Mrs. Heather Hutton, & Mr Brent Smallbone (lay person). The Committee’s role is to investigate a complaint in whatever manner it sees fit and to decide if a complaint should be referred to the Physiotherapy  Board.  It is not required to “try’ the case.
  3. Nominations for the Physiotherapy  Board - Stella Randle has to retire, Neil Beney has agreed to accept nomination.  Mr. J. Hopkins has also retired from the Committee and the Society, in conjunction with the Medical Assn., has put forward to name of Dr. Rae West.

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Objectives -

  1. To maintain good communication with the Physiotherapy  Board.
  2. To continue its lobby for amendment to the Physiotherapy  Act with regard to the protection of the public and the profession.

Physiotherapy Board -The nomination of  Dr. Glenys Arthur has been accepted for membership of the Board. Dr. Rae West and Neil Beney will be observers at the first meeting while their nominations are processed through the new system adopted by the Ministry of  Health.

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Physiotherapy Board Working Party to be formed with NZSP and senior Managers Group to work on standards. Tabled Senior Managers Report. AECOP system if approved will take 1 year to fully implement. Written exam will be written in Sydney.

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Physiotherapy  Board - Frances Wilson’s term of office as a Society nominee expires on 31 March 1994. It was agreed her renomination be supported.

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Physiotherapy  Board - The Society heard officially from the Honourable K. O’Regan on 23 March 1994 that Neil Beney  and Dr. Rae West had both been appointed members of the Board for a 3 year term.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Mr. Brian Cumming, Deputy Registrar, is now the Board’s Administrator following the resignation of Paul Gatland.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - A letter to the Associate Minister of Health, K. O’Regan concerning the Board and changes required to the Physiotherapy  Act elicited the following response -”I am aware of the issues you identify in your letter, but until the Physiotherapy  Act is amended the Director General of Health of his or her nominee is required to be Chairman of the Board. A change in this area as well as the others you propose require legislative change, and there is little likelihood of finding space on an already crowded legislative program.  The Ministry of Health is currently considering amendments of occupation legislation for possible inclusion in the 1995 legislative program.

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  1. Multi skilling Physiotherapists require an annual practising certificate - the Physiotherapy  Act (1949) protects the public by ensuring them of an appropriate standard of care and safety when Physiotherapy  is carried out by a person entitled to hold an APC.
  2. Physiotherapy  board -  A letter from the Ministry dated 8 September advising that M.Lamont’s term of office expires at the end of 1994 was tabled. Reference was made in the letter to the Minister’s views that it was desirable for members to serve no longer than three consecutive terms (of 3 years each), and pointed out the Michael had already served on the Board for 7 consecutive terms. Executive agreed that the matter should be discussed with the Executive of the NZPPA.
  3. The Physiotherapy  Board Office will be moving to Ballantrae House, 192 Willis St.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board Nomination from the Private Sector. The NZPPA Executive had put forward M.Lamont for a further term on the Physiotherapy  Board. After lengthy discussion, and in the absence of further nominations, it was agreed that the one nomination will be put forward to the Minister.  In the event that the Minister fails to ratify M.Lamont’s eighth term of office, and requests further names, the NZPPA will be consulted again prior to Executive obtaining and forwarding additional nominations.
  2. Physiotherapy  Act - Rewrite - Executive discussed the need for a complete review of the Physiotherapy Act, and it was agreed that previous recommendations put forward by the Society should be reviewed and brought up to date.  It is anticipated that the Medical Practitioners Act will be before Parliament by the end of the year, and that this, in conjunction with the Dental Practitioners Soc., will be used as a model for  future health legislation.  It was agreed that M. Skinner and J.Tedder should initiate this review.
  3. Report  on Meetings - The President and Executive Director met with Lindsay Sales, the Chairperson of the Physiotherapy  Board, on 19 October at National Office.  Channels of communication were discussed as was the need to update the Physiotherapy  Act, review the competency statements, funding of the fourth year of  the undergraduate program, and the Board’s office relocation.  The new Office is now across the road from the Society’s National Office, which will allow Board members to visit the Society’s Office more easily.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Procedure for NZSP Board nominations from the Society.
  • Advise NZSP members through the newsletter of forthcoming vacancies, call for nominations with CVs and set deadline for returns to be considered by National Executive.
  • Forward the  names of the proposed nominee/s to the relevant group eg Private or Hospital, for comment by  a specified time. 
  • NZSP National Executive to make the final decision and advise the Ministry of Health accordingly.
  1. Terms of Reference for approved Society nominee -  A three term of Office on the Physiotherapy  Board, a maximum of three terms (nine Years) normally not eligible for renomination after this period.
  2. Changes to the Physiotherapy  Act - The recent changes to the ACT which have resulted from the newly introduced Health and Disabilities Commissioner Act were discussed. The Board now has the authority to award costs for disciplinary matters and will eventually be required to refer all disciplinary matters received to the Health and Disabilities Commissioner.
  3. Massage - A briefing paper on massage by Lee Gardiner was discussed. Executive agreed that until the Physiotherapy  Act is changed the Society’s stance must be that the words “therapeutic” and “remedial” remain a part of Physiotherapy .  A questionnaire to members will be forwarded with the November newsletter and replies will be summarised for the February newsletter and will form the basis for the Society’s position statement on massage.

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  1. NZ Physiotherapy  Board nomination - The Minister advised that she is unable to accept the nomination of M.Lamont, because of the number of consecutive terms of office (3) A further nomination has been asked for  -following the procedure laid down at the last Executive meeting further  nominations will be called for in the December newsletter.  After discussion with the NZPPA, Executive will make a final decision.
  2. Therapeutic and Remedial Massage - a letter dated 12 December from the Director General of Health. Despite the fact that the Society and the Physiotherapy  Board have expressed their opposition to the proposal the Minister has decided to go ahead with the use of the following “disclaimers” by unregistered persons who advertise “massage therapy”. 
  • Individuals - ....(name of person)...is not qualified or registered to practise Physiotherapy  under the Physiotherapy  Act
  • NZ “Assn of Therapeutic Massage  Practitioners 1. The NZ  Assn of Therapeutic massage Practitioners is comprised of persons who are not qualified or registered to practise Physiotherapy  or any branch of Physiotherapy  under the Physiotherapy  Act 1949. Any reference in this publication to the expression “therapeutic massage” is not intended to suggest that members of the NZAss. of therapeutic massage Practitioners are qualified Physiotherapists or that they are otherwise qualified to practise Physiotherapy .. . 2.. name of person . . .is not qualified to teach Physiotherapy  and is not authorised by the Physiotherapy  Board to give instruction in ,or to train persons in Physiotherapy  or massage, under the Physiotherapy  Act 1949.
  • The NZ Clinical School of Massage.  The staff of this school is comprised of persons who are not qualified or registered to practise Physiotherapy  or any branch of Physiotherapy  under the Physiotherapy  Act 1949.
  • The ministry states unless these disclaimers are printed in a prominent and legible manner of all forms of advertising it will reserve the right to prosecute and individuals or organisations “where the circumstances of the case are such that a prosecution is justified”.   Executive will voice its concern that the Physiotherapy  and Physiotherapist used in the disclaimers will actually identify the unregistered person more closely with a Physiotherapist in the minds of the public who are totally unaware of the Physiotherapy  Act. The comments contained in the massage questionnaires returned from members will be used as a basis for a reply to the Minister.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Nomination to the Board - A letter dated 2 February from the Deputy Director of Health advised the procedure used for making appointments to Occupational Registration Boards as follows - 1. The Minister of Health decides who will be appointed to Registration Board vacancies.  2.  The Ministry of Health makes recommendations to the Minister on the nominations provided.  The Minister then  considers nominations and makes a decision.  As the Minister has indicated that she wishes to make a choice, the Ministry has asked the Society to submit more than one nomination for each vacancy.  It was agreed that  the Society comply with the Ministry’s request and forward more than one nomination for each vacancy.
  2. Massage - It was agreed that a policy should be developed and circulated to Executive before the next meeting and that the Society  will voice its dismay to the Ministry of Health and the Minister at the Ministry’s advice to massage practitioners regarding the use of “disclaimers” by massage practitioner who use the words “therapeutic” or “remedial” as a way to get around the Physiotherapy  Act.

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Physiotherapy  Board nominee - A letter dated the 11 March from the President of NZPPA advised that the group’s Executive had again discussed the Society’s request for a nomination to the Board. Executive was advised that the NZPPA’s only nomination is M.Lamont whose earlier nomination from the Society was not accepted by the Minister due to the fact that Mr. Lamont had already served 7 consecutive terms on the Board.  After discussion the National Executive moved that the name of Mr. Don McKenzie be forwarded to  the Ministry as the Society’s nomination for the appointment of a Physiotherapist engaged in Private Practice on the Physiotherapy  Board.

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Position Paper on Massage - “that the Position Paper stating “that the NZSP supports the rights of individuals to access appropriate massage therapy from suitably qualified and competent health practitioners who work as a part of  the health care team to ensure quality, needs based delivery of service’ be accepted by the membership.  It was acknowledged that Physiotherapists perform Remedial/therapeutic massage as defined in the Physiotherapy  Act.

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Physiotherapy  Board - Nominations - the nominations submitted by the Society have not yet been dealt with by the Minister of Health.  The Physiotherapy  Board representative to attend WCPT will be invited to assist with the setting up of the stand and advertising material regarding registration in NZ at the stand at WCPT.

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  1. It was agreed that the Position Paper on Massage be accepted. It was agreed that a letter from the meeting be sent to Joy Tedder with good wished for her health.
  2. It was agreed that the Society submit to  the Regulations Review Committee that the regulation in the Physiotherapy  Act (1949) relating to 108 weeks of undergraduate Education  be removed from the Regulations.
  3. Physiotherapy  Board - Executive noted receipt from the Board of a copy of the letter written by M. Lamont to the Physiotherapy  Board Registrar noting Mr.Lamont’s intention to resign from the Board as from 15 May 1995.  It was agreed unanimously by Executive that a letter of appreciation  be written to Mr.Lamont for his 21 years of service.
  4. Massage Liaison - It was agreed that Lee Gardiner continue to liaise and resource activities regarding massage.

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  1. A letter from the Associate Minter of Health confirmed the reappointment of Francis Wilson and the appointment of Don McKenzie as members of the Physiotherapy  Board for a term of 3 years expiring on 31 May 1998.
  2. A verbal Report  from Neil Beney on the recent Board meeting was relayed by M.Skinner. Executive were pleased that to learn that the Society’s Code of Ethical Principles recently passed by members at the AGM were accepted by the Board.  The Competency Document is currently being updated and draft copies will be available shortly for consideration by Branches and SIGs.
  3. The Physiotherapy  Board has confirmed that as from the 1 May 1995 it ceased granting automatic registration to overseas graduates.  In the interim all applications will be considered on an individual basis.

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  1. NZ Physiotherapy  Board - -1. Preliminary Investigation Committee (PIC) The Board will be reviewing the PIC panel at its meeting on the 12 December 1995 and the Society has been requested to forward nominations (with CVs) by mid October.  2. Registration Requirements - The draft Competency and Learning Objectives were tabled.  There was some discussion concerning the definition of Physiotherapy  stated in the document. Executive’s and other comments from members will be forwarded to the Board.
  2. Massage - Lee Gardiner tabled Report  concerning communications with the Ministry regarding - a. The Society’s disapproval at these of disclaimers by Masseurs who breach the Physiotherapy  Act and b. Future lobbying with regard to proposed changed to the Act. Executive agreed this was a matter for discussion when meeting with the new Director General of Health.

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  1. NZ Physiotherapy  Board - Preliminary Investigation Committee - The names of possible nominations were disused and will be followed up before forwarding to the Board.
  2. Chair of the Physiotherapy  Board - The meeting was advised that the Ministry were considering a new appointment as Chair to the Board and Executive expressed their concern that this would mean a fifth chairperson in three years.  It was agreed that the Director General of Health be advised to reconsider the proposed change.
  3. Competency Document - the NZ Physiotherapy  Board Competency Document had been reviewed and comments forwarded to the Board.

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  1. Physiotherapy  Act 1949

The President , M.Skinner and J.Tedder met with 3 Ministry of health officials to discuss the review of the Physiotherapy  Act and the questions posed in Appendix A of the Ministry’s letter of 29 November 1995.  The National  Executive discussed the timeframe for response by the Society and agreed that a meeting mid-January should be organised with possibly two members of the Physiotherapy  Board and 2 NZSP members to consider changes required to the Act.  The new Medical Practitioners Bill will be used as a model for all other Health legislation and copies of this will be forwarded to Executive when available so comparisons can be made.    The Ministry requires the Society’s submission by mid-February so they can return their recommendations during the middle of March.  It was agreed that the Society should contact Physiotherapy  groups in other countries to gather information on the problems associated with deregulation and/or the lack of definition for Physiotherapy.

  1. NZPB - Preliminary Investigation Committee.  2 nominations have been forwarded to the Physiotherapy  Board for consideration.
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