17/ 18 - 2 - 96

  1. NZ Physiotherapy  Board- Preliminary Investigation Committee - 2 nominations have been made.  Jill Miller has been accepted as a Physiotherapist representative but has not yet been officially notified.
  2. Physiotherapy  Act 1949 - M.Skinner tabled an outline for discussion on the review of this.

Timetable - January 1996 -

Preliminary Meeting NZSP and Ministry of Health.

1 March 1996 - NZSP initial comments of Ministry of Health.

mid 1996 -Ministry of Health response.

end 1996 - Draft umbrella legislation.

1997/98 Legislation tabled in Parliament.

It was noted that the outcome of the forthcoming parliamentary election may affect the proposed timetable. The model to be used for the review is the Medical Practitioners Act 1995, the major aspects being: 1. The impact of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act, 2. Separate Registration Council and Disciplinary Tribunal, 3. The need for continuing competency to practice.

Margot Reported that the Minister wishes to see health occupational groups reviewed as a joint project.  At a meeting called by the Minister of Health (July 1995) with registration boards and other professional groups represented, there was support for review but not for not Health Occupational Groups Act. Assurance has Been given that while the review will be combined initially, there will be a split to separate occupation group Acts at the final reading.

  1. Consideration to an appendix to a letter from the Ministry of Health was considered.

Pros & cons of regulation - (agreed that regulation is required )

  1. Function of Physiotherapy  Board -  (agreed with functions set down for Medical Council)
  2. Membership of Physiotherapy  Board - Director General of Health or nominee, 2 Physiotherapist members of academic staff of Schools, 3 elected Physiotherapists (elected by profession) and 2 others appointed by the Minister - Board should elect own Chair.
  3. Disciplinary Tribunal - (noted that separation from the registration function of the Board could lead to an increase in costs and that a shared Health Occupational Disciplinary Tribunal may be possible)
  4. Protection of Title - (agreed there should be retention of title for Physiotherapist and physical therapist, but masseur to be deleted)
  5. Definition of Physiotherapy  (agreed that a definition not be included in the Act as requires regular review and legislation can be in place for many years without change.
  6. Competency to Practice requirements ( agreed that necessary and if a peer review approach taken would be minimal costs.

10. Administration responsibilities (agreed that a Body Corporate with clear objectives and accountabilities rather than the current Health Occupational Unit within the Ministry of Health, would be the best option for the long term.

Action Gail de Boer - to prepare a draft  initial submission.

11. Therapeutic Massage  -  Lee Gardiner Reported that Rosalie Lampen-smith (a Postgraduate diploma Student) had written a paper on “Therapeutic Massage - should it be Exclusive to Physiotherapists?” the paper has copyright so permission would be required to print excerpts.  It was suggested that the paper be submitted to the NZ Journal of Physiotherapy .  Lee also tabled the course prospectus for the NZ College of Massage which had been sent to her by Lesley Askew. Concerns were expressed about the curriculum which includes treatment component for specific conditions. It was noted that some of the tutors are Physiotherapists.

12. Physiotherapy  Board -  M.Skinner reported that the Board is currently working on preparing its submission on the review of  the Physiotherapy  Act. The final draft of the competency document will be presented at the next meeting of the Board.  Over 2,000 Physiotherapists are currently registered and Annal Practising Certificates are shortly to be sent out.  The NZSP pamphlet “Join the Society that Supports your Profession” is sent to each new registrant.  It was noted that complaints regarding Physiotherapists will be directed in the first instance to the Health and Disability Commissioner from July 1996. Professional and ethical issues will continue to be directed to NZSP.

25 - 3 - 96

  1. Review of Physiotherapy  Act - The initial submission was made to the Ministry of  Health on 28 February. No response has been received to date - to be followed up by Gail.
  2. NZPB -Jill Miller has officially been notified of  her appointment.

10/11 - 5 - 96

  1. Review of Physiotherapy  Act- A draft Physiotherapy  Act review Report  had been received from the Ministry of Health and comments are required by 26 June 1996.  In general, the review report is in line with NZSP recommendations made in the initial submission.  The comments and options present in the Report  were discussed. Note was made of the suggestion that Physiotherapy  does not involve particularly intrusive or invasive procedures and that safety risk to the public are low. 
  2. There was agreement that the potential for risk to patients is growing with the increase in the number of Physiotherapists offering, eg. Manipulative therapy, acupuncture, and pelvic floor rehabilitation and re-education..  It was noted that a correction needs to be made to the last sentence under “continuing competence” where the Ministry has not recognised that the College of Physiotherapy is the autonomous body which has responsibility for the structured accreditation process for continuing Education  of Physiotherapists.
  3. Disciplinary Tribunal - the two options for the structure of the Disciplinary Tribunal were discussed; one an independent Physiotherapy  Disciplinary Tribunal and the other a multi-disciplinary Tribunal  Under both options, the recommendation is for three registered Physiotherapists and one lay person, the difference being that with the multi-disciplinary option, the Chairperson, and possibly the lay person, would hear cased relating to a number of occupational groups.  The question was raised if the Chairperson would be required to be a Barrister or Solicitor as is the case under the Medical Practitioners Act.
  4. Physiotherapy  Board - The Ministry had questioned the need to have two academic representatives  on the Board. Options are also offered for the way in which the 4 practicing Physiotherapists be appointed to the Board
  • Election by registered Physiotherapists
  • Appointment by the Minister of Health.  It was noted that elections are costly to run and would not necessarily ensure that the most suitably qualified candidate was elected to the Board. There was recognition that non Society members also need to be represented on the Board and one solution could be for the Society to nominate 3 members and the Minister of Health to appoint the fourth.  Comments will be sought from NZSP members.   There was agreement in general with the Ministry of Health recommendation that the Physiotherapy  Board be designated a body corporate but information is required on its funding, which could result in a financial impact on the Society.
  1. The Ethical Committee had discussed the “Physiotherapy  Bed” which is currently being advertised and wanted to know if the Society had been advised by the manufacturer and, if permission was given, to advertise and name it as the “Physiotherapy  bed”.  It was agreed that the Executive Officer contact AIT re background to this matter.  Legal advice is to be sought on whether the term “Physiotherapy “ is protected under legislation against use in advertising and naming of products without Society permission.  Members were pleased to note the letter from the Physiotherapy  Board advising that the Board has adopted the NZSP Code of Ethics.
  2.  The Ethical Committee had raised questions regarding publication, distribution and charging for a publication incorporating the Society’s Ethical Rules, Code of Ethics and Professional Sexual Abuse Policy, for non NZSP members. National  Executive agreed that the Physiotherapy  Board should bear the cost of such a publication - Executive Officer to discuss with the Board.
    1. Physiotherapy  Board - It was agreed that a meeting should be set up with the Board to discuss matters of mutual concern.

20/21 - 7 - 96

Physiotherapy  Board. - Dr. Glenys Arthur, Dr. Sydney West and Neil Beney, whose terms of office on the Physiotherapy  Board have recently expired, have been renominated for further terms of appointment. The Board called for 8 NZSP Nominations for Professional Advisers to the Health and Disability Commissioner: Lynn Ward, Linda McCutcheon, Nell Dawson, Jill Brown and Gay Wood.

14/15 - 9 - 96

  1. Continuing Competency - A letter has been sent from the Society to the Physiotherapy  Board asking that urgent attention be given to developing the process it will use for determining and implementing the criteria to measure continuing competency in Physiotherapists.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board - A letter from the Hon. Katherine O’Regan advising that the current members of the Physiotherapy  Board have been asked to continue in office until new appointments can be made after the election, and seeking additional suggestions for medical practitioners to be appointed under regulation 4 of the Physiotherapy  Act.  Action - Nell to approach Sharon Kletchko to ask if she would be willing to be nominated. 
  3. Other nominations to be sent to National  Office as soon as possible. Agreement was given to the Physiotherapy  Board publishing the NZSP Code of Ethics - 1995 guidelines (which they have adopted) for publication in their next newsletter.  Following on from the earlier discussion on Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition the question was raised if the Australian State Registration Boards recognise the Diploma of Physiotherapy  as well as the current Degree Programme.  The Executive Officer will check this.

2/3 - 11 - 96

  1. Physiotherapy Board  Nominations of Medical Practitioners for Physiotherapy  Board. Nell Dawson reported that Sharon Kletchko has agreed to be put forward as a Society nomination for the Physiotherapy  Board. Two GP’s have been suggested by Louise Sloman, Chairperson Wellington Branches and are being contacted for their agreement.
  2. Physiotherapy  Information Sheet - A letter from the Physiotherapy  Board requesting a diagram showing the inter-relationship between the Board, NZSP, NZ College of Physiotherapy  etc was discussed. Gail is to produce this diagram.
  3. Physiotherapy  Registration in the UK. A letter from Andrea Vujnovich enclosing correspondence from the Physiotherapists Board of the Council of Professions Supplementary to Medicine, UK , was tabled.  A number of NZ Graduates from the three year Diploma in Physiotherapy  have recently been declined registration in UK.  Action - to be highlighted in a NZSP newsletter and situation in Australia regarding registration of Physiotherapists with Diploma in Physiotherapy  to be ascertained.
  • Education  -The minutes of the 23 October meeting were discussed.  The recommendation from the Education  Committee that the Society supports the opportunity for Temporary, General and Vocational Registration in the revised Physiotherapy  Act was noted. 

8/9 - 2 - 97

  1. Physiotherapy  Board - Nominations  of Medical Practitioners for Physiotherapy  Board - Sharon Kletchko and Jim Hefford (a retired GP) have been put forward to the NZMA as the Society’s nominations for the Physiotherapy  Board, and a response is awaited.
  2. Physiotherapy  information sheet - A draft information sheet in three columns to describe the mission, goals, structure, publications etc of the Board, NZSP, Physiotherapy  College etc was tabled and approved. Action - to go to the Board for consideration.
  • Nominations to Competencies review Committee - A letter had been received from the Board seeking a nomination to a new Competencies Review Committee.  This Committee will be responsible for ensuring that those competencies unique to Physiotherapy  practice in NZ are identified in a way which allows evaluation in both the accreditation of schools and the assessment of overseas educated Physiotherapists.  Consideration will also be given to the issue of ongoing competence.  National  Executive ratified the appointment of Hilary Godshill as the Society’s representative on the Competencies Review Committee.  Other members are those members of the Board who are Physiotherapists and a representative nominated by the NZ College of Physiotherapists.

5/6 - 4 - 97

Physiotherapy  Board - nominations to Board’s Education  Committee - names were put forward as possible  nominees for the Education  Committee. The Executive Officer to contact for agreement.  A Report  from Neil Beney on a Board meeting was discussed.

28/29 - 6 - 97

  1. NZSP  nominations to Physiotherapy  Board’s Education  Committee - 3 Nominations have been made. One will be selected at a meeting of the Board.
  2. Physiotherapy  Board  Fiona expressed concern at the length of time taken for overseas Physiotherapists to gain NZ Registration.  This is to the detriment of the Physiotherapy  profession when there are a number of areas where there is a shortage of staff.  Action - a letter expressing concern to be sent to Board.
  3. Standards of Physiotherapy  Practice - It was been suggested that finalisation of the Standards of Physiotherapy  practice be delayed until the Physiotherapy  Board’s new Registration Requirements document is available.  The draft standards have been forwarded to the Board.  Action - Gail to request timeframe for completion of Registration Requirements document from Physiotherapy  Board.

9/10 - 8 - 97

  1. Physiotherapy  Board -  NZSP representative on Physiotherapy  Board Education  Committee - Waiting to be advised by the Board.
  2. Body corporate -Lee reported that the Board is currently investigating costs etc of setting up and maintaining the Physiotherapy  Board as a Body Corporate.  A meeting of the working group on which she represent NZSP is to be held shortly.

4/5 - 10 - 97

  1. Physiotherapy  Board - NZSP representative on Physiotherapy  Board Education  Committee - Lynley Irvine has been appointed.
  2. Body Corporate - The Board continues to investigate costs etc of setting up and maintaining the Physiotherapy  Board as a Body Corporate.
  3. Use of the title “Occupational Physiotherapist”  A letter from the Occupational Therapy Board complaining that Physiotherapists are using the title “Occupational Physiotherapist” was tabled and discussed. It was noted that a similar complaint was received in 1995 at which time the Physiotherapy Board advised the Occupational Therapy Board that Physiotherapists working in the area of occupational health and safety would describe themselves as “Occupational Health Physiotherapists” a title which is acceptable to Occupational Therapists    Actions  - 1. Letter to be sent to the Occupational Therapy Board stating the Physiotherapists working is  the area of occupational health and safety have been advised to use the title “Occupational Health Physiotherapists” 2. Advice to be included in the NZSP Newsletter and sent to the  Occupational Health SIG.
  4. Vocational Registration - There was further discussion on the recommendation made by the Physiotherapy  Board for an empowering clause for vocational registration in the new Physiotherapy  Act, taking into account the few comments received from members.  It was unanimously agreed that the NZSP support a provision for vocational registration which would enable the recognition of specialist areas of practice but without restrictive practise.  This would allow the Board to recognise a specialist position in, eg paediatric Physiotherapy  but would not prevent other Physiotherapists from working in that speciality.  In addition, the provision would not restrict Physiotherapists recognised by the Board as having a specialist position form practising in other general areas in which they are competent. Action - letter to be sent to Ministry of Health as detailed above


15/16 - 11 - 97  -  Physiotherapy  Board - no Report  - next meeting of the Board is in Dunedin later this month.

28 Feb./1 Mar. 98

Physiotherapy  Board -  Letter from the Minister of Health advising that Neil Beney has been reappointed and Dr. James Hefford appointed as members of the Physiotherapy  Board.  Dr. Hefford replaces Dr. Arthur on the Board.

18/19 - 4 - 98 - Physiotherapy  Board - 

  1. a reply regarding the question of whether nonpracticing physiotherapists are required to have an annual practicing certificate if they are participating in courses which include a  “hands-on” Physiotherapy  component is awaited from the Board.
  2. A Report  on the work of the Competencies Review Committee from Hilary Godsall was tabled and discussed.  The Entry -level Registration Requirements document is now complete and approval by the Physiotherapy  Board is to be sought at their next meeting.  Implementation in full is planned for January 1999.
  3. Review of Occupational Regulation Statues - A letter from the Ministry of Health advising that the legislative programme developed for 1998 does not include the reform of the health sector occupational regulation statues was tabled and discussed.  A letter expressing the Society’s disappointment at the further delay has been sent to the Ministry. Both letters are being published in the April NZSP Newsletter.

External - An advertisement from a Wellington company stating that staff included a Physiotherapist was noted.  The company does not in fact have a physiotherapist, the position being filled by an exercise therapist.

Action - Letter to be sent to the company pointing out they are in breach of the Physiotherapy  Act  in advertising that their team includes a physiotherapist, and expressing concern that they do not employ a physiotherapist.

17 - 5 - 98 - Physiotherapy  Board - Don McKenzie has advised that his term of office on the Physiotherapy  Board  will end at the end of July.  He is willing to stand for a further term but recommends that National  Executive consider other nominations for this role.

Action - Gail de Boer to contact Frances Wilson, Margot Skinner and Neil Beney for their comments on members to consider for nomination.

4/5 July 1998 - 6.4 - Physiotherapy  Board - As a result of a query from NZSP, the Physiotherapy  Board has advised that there is a requirement under the legislation for non-practising physiotherapists to hold an Annual Practising Certificate before participating in “hands-on” physiotherapy  courses.

Action - Executive Director to include advice as above in NZSP July Newsletter.

A letter from the Board was tabled which thanked the Society’s rep’s representative Lee Gardiner, for her participation on the Board’s Corporate Working Group which has now been disestablished. Ongoing matters pertaining to body corporate status have now been passed back to the full Board.

3/4 October 1998 -  Physiotherapy  Board - A letter from Don McKenzie advising that he would not be seeking nomination for re-appointment to the Physiotherapy  Board and advising qualities required in physiotherapists nominated for the Board was tabled and accepted.

13/15 November 1998  Physiotherapy  Board - nothing to report

13.14 February 1999 - Physiotherapy  Board - no Report

9/11 April 1999 - Board Advice has been received that the new competency document has now been approved subject to some minor alterations.  It will go to print shortly and a copy will be supplied to NZSP as soon as available.

3/4 July 1999 -  Physiotherapy Board - Physiotherapy  Board Accreditation Assessor

The Board has advised that Fiona Murdoch has been appointed to their vacancy for an Accreditation Assessor.

Competencies Review Committee Report  - A report from NZSP Hilary representative Godsall was discussed. It was noted that the new competencies document has now been published and is currently being distributed

Action the document “Registration Requirements” to be checked against the NZSP draft standards of Physiotherapy  Practice and the Standards then be finalised and published.

6/7 November 1999 - Physiotherapy Board - A Health Occupational Registrations Act Amendment Bill has been passed by Parliament and came into effect on 21 October 1999.  This means that the Physiotherapy  and other Health Occupational Boards are now Body Corporates and will no longer be administered by the Ministry of Health.  However, a six month transitional period has been allowed for new administration systems to be put in place.  Frances Wilson has been elected as Chairperson of the Physiotherapy  Board and Neil Beney as Deputy Chairperson.

Action : NZSP to investigate feasibility of providing administrative functions for the Board.

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