April 1980 - legal opinion received relating to the State Examination process. To be referred to the Board.

November 1980  - legal advice is to sought regard alteration to the Act which would protect physiotherapists from other sections who are practising physiotherapy

April 1981 - terms for Mrs. Ingram and Dr. Simcock due to expire.

September 1983 -  certain members will be gravely concerned about a proposal for the Physiotherapy Act to be consolidated with other Health Professionals.

December 1983 - Executive feel the move to consolidate our Act with other health professionals is an undesirable move.

July 1984 - Notice re elections to the Board and functions of the Board

December 1985 - 1800 ballot papers were sent out to APC holders 807 returned by due date, 636 wish Physiotherapy Board to be Body Corporate.. 170 do not wish the Physiotherapy Board to be a Body Corporate.

June 1986 - Ros Ham and Jenny Pryor met with representatives of the Dept. of Health and a proposed time table of action towards a new ballot has been determined.

August 1986 -  no new information on the Body Corporate proposal.

April 1989  meeting between Physiotherapy  Board and NZSP - first since 1949. 2 topics - type of Physiotherapy Board in future - we would like independent board,  also aspects of the Physiotherapy  Act legislation - what we would like to see in the new Act

December 1989 - Note from President about Physiotherapy  Board - some misinformation In the ballot of 1985 the majority of physiotherapists want an independent board.

March 1990 - due to a reorganisation of the Dept. Of Health there is no more Advisory Physiotherapist.  Instead Lesley Askew will be Professional Advisor.  So she is no longer registrar of Board,  but Vivienne Rollo is Deputy Registrar.  The Board is establishing an Evaluation Panel for Accrediation and Validation of Undergraduate Physiotherapy  Programmes, any clinical Physiotherapist not involved in undergraduate Education  may submit their name.

September 1991 -  NZSP concerned bout administration of Board and limitations of Act in regard to disciplinary procedures.

February 1992 - the Physiotherapy Board Education Committee re-established.  Next meeting of re-vamped team May 1992.  The Physiotherapy Act will be opened and revised this year.   There is a proposal to have Physiotherapy Board independent of Health Department

June 1992 -  in order to support reciprocity with Austrlia we need to amend the disciplinary section of the Physiotherapy  Act.  The Board met on issues of legislation matter,  Body Corporate ethics and discipline.

September 1992 - need to reform Physiotherapy Act - in President’s comment

November 1994 page 10 -Review of the NZ Physiotherapy Board registration Requirement.  This is a call for expressions of interest by physiotherapists to be involved in a working party to review the registration requirement.  This was developed as the result of a DACUM type exercise and included wide consultation with the profession from 1985 to 1988.  A review is now needed.  Terms of Reference were given.  Timeframe March to June 1995

December 1994 page 4 further nominee from private sector needed to replace Michael Lamont.

page 7 - further notice about Review of Registration Requirements.

February 1995  page 2 - Nominations toBoard called for.

March 1995 page 1 - draft position statement on massage

July 1995 page 3  advertising for Therapeutic or Remedial Massage

August 1995 page 10 News from the Physiotherapy Board  Progress on Working Party.  The Board supported two members Francis Wilson and Andrea Vujnocich to attend the WCPT Congress in Washington.  Some time spent in workshop to discuss disciplinary issues and procedures for disciplinary hearings.

September 1995  page 2 - Use of professional Title. The Physiotherapy Board received concern from the Occupational Therapists Board regarding Physiotherapy practitioners calling themselves “occupational physiotherapists” which caused confusion with the public.

Page 3 - advertising for Therapuetic orRemedial Massage.

October 1995 page 3 -The Ethics Committee has recommended to Executive that a policy be developed on membership of the Society for physiotherapists who have been suspended by the Physiotherapy  board,  reinstated on the register and have re-applied for NZSP membership.  The Executive is seeking legal advice.

page 6 The Board’s PIC looks at complaints against practitioners in a prliminary sense and recommends what fruther action should then be taken by the Board.  Physiotherapists are invited to submit names to be on the PIC

November  1995 page 6 News from the Physiotherapy Board  Recruiting and registering overseas physiotherapists - procedures,  courses and students from overseas.

March 1996 page 3 Review of Physiotherapy Act an initial submission has been made to the Ministry of Health.  The Medical Practitioners Act (1995) is to be the model for proposed changes to health occupation legislation icluding the Physiotherapy  Act. - details of submission published

June 1996  Page 2 review of Physiotherapy  Act a draft has been received from the Ministry of Health. One concern is that the Minstry does not favour the continued use of licensing of operators of ultra sonic equipment.  List of present requirement about Ultra Sound published.

July 1996 page 4 complete draft of the Review of the Physiotherapy  Act

August 1996 page 5 when lobbying for election ask for review of Physiotherapy Act.

September 1996 page 3   review of Physiotherapy  Act - Jenny Shipley says that at the final readiing of the combined review Bill each profession will retain its own Act.  There is a change in removing the protection of the titles masseur,  masseuse and masage expert under the Physiotherapy  Act.

November 1996 page 3 review of Act -a revised report on recommendations for the new Physiotherapy Act has been received from the Ministry of Health.  A policy paper is to be produced mid 1997 and further submissions will be sought.  National Executive are organising further submissions.

June 1997 page 15  the Role of the Physiotherapy Board

July 1997  page 4   3 pages Review of the Physiotherapy Act - paper received from the Ministry of Health with a request for a submission by 25 July  Comments are asked for.

August 1997 page 6 submission on the Physiotherapy Act Review

September 1997 page 3 - in the current reveiw of the Physiotherapy  Act the Physiotherapy Board has submitted that vocational registration should be added to the categories of registration.  The submission is published.  It is intended that the provision would enable the recognition of specialist areas of practice but not restrict physiotherapists from practising in other general areas in which they are competent.  This more functional option is to have specialist physiotherapists recognised but without restrictive practice.

March 1998 page 5 Health Occupational Registration Acts Amendment Bill  A Bill was put forward to make each of the Health Occupational Registration Boards (including the Physiotherapy Board) a Body Coroporate,  and to remove all Ministry of Health personel from Board membership. Disappointingly,  the Bill was separated from the major review of the Physiotherapy Act 1949 and other Health Occupational Registration Acts which have been proceeding over the past two years. The Society does not support the Amendment Bill being passed as it is at the moment.  Details of Executive summary published.

April 1998 page 5  update on Ministry of Health Review of Occupational Regulation Statues.- it is not included in the legislative programme for 1998.  The Society made a submission about the reviewof the Physiotherapy Act whcih is printed.  They are strongly opposed to a peicemeal approach.

February 1999 page 15 - Advertisement for an auditor from registered physiotherapists.

March 1999 page 8 reminder to get current practising Certificate.  Board Newsletter.

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