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References to the Journal in the Annual Reports

References to the Journal in the NZSP's Annual Reports

TAGS: references, journal, annual report

1983, 1986 page 5,  
1987 page 3, 
1988 page 5, 
1989 page 4, 
1990 page 5, 
1991 page 1 & 4, 
1992 page 4, 
1993 page 5, 
1994 page 6, 
1995 page 8, 
1996 page 6, 
1997 page 6,

1986  page 5

Rocky Lowdon held position for 3 years and produced 10 issues.  There was a change in production when it was found that a Dunedin firm could do typesetting and printing cheaper than the Auckland firms.  Margaret Jack resigned in Jan 1986,  since then there was been a steady decline in advertising,  showing the importance of a skilled advertising manager.  Increasing the advertising content reduced the Society’s financial contribution to the Journal.  The number of articles and the content standard improved.  The main headache was the contributor’s lack of knowledge of the whole editorial process.

1987 page 3

In his annual report for 1987 Bryan Paynter noted the relative scarcity of contributions,  a function of a small population and membership.  It meant that referring articles for comment to specialists or even the Editorial Committee was not usually possible. It could be better to appoint a sole editor instead of the Editorial Committee.  Conjoing the Editorship with the position of Advertising Manager produced no problems.  The cover format was changed for the August issue of the journal,  something the editor noted he was neither advised of nor consulted about.

1988 page 5

An increase in the number of suitable contributions,  the Editor much appreciated help from the Committee.

The Committee had one teleconference during the year,  and decided to revise the “information for Contributors” and to publish annually the “Uniform requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”. Potential contributors were also advised of three levels of formality of communication,  according to the nature of subject material.  This was done to encourage general interest contributions as well a full research papers.

Contributions and letters to the Editor showed that the Journal was read overseas.  Brief indexes to material published overseas were introduced.  There was a slight decrease in advertising.  Clinical Notes proved popular. 

Prices for journal production rose steeply in 1988,  and another printer in Dunedin was chosen.  The function of the Editorial Committee was considered and a meeting held in August to discuss the mechanism of generating papers,  vetting papers to maintain standards,  and indexing

1989-page 4 -

Not enough contributions was a problems in 1989,  the length of the journal varied between 28 and 40 pages.  The  NZ Tablet Publishing Company printer since April 1989 continued to give good service;  there was a change of print to “English Times”. 

The index feature “In other Journals” created interest,  and despite the policy of printing fairly provocative Editorials,  no great debate arose.  Some long term advertisers left,  but other new ones came.  Grateful thanks were given to Spinal Publications and The New Zealand Back Foundation for their advertising.  Very grateful to Committee -  Mark Steptoe,  Janet Hangar.  Some long term advertisers left,  but some new ones came. 

1990 page 5

Journal appeared punctually throughout 1990.  As well as research papers there were some interesting accounts of physiotherapist’s experiences overseas.  Some contributions came from overseas,  most were published.  No changes in layout this year.  However the layout of “In other Journals” was revised with articles listed according to the contents page of the particular issue of the particular journal.  The printer continued to be very good.  Advertising was at an acceptable volume,  having increased by 20% during the year. The editorial in April 1990 contained a plea for- contributors to use plain English

1991 page 1 & 4

Margaret Gibson-Smith (Librarian Auckland Medical Library System) compiled an index in 1991.  The Committee were pleased with the number of articles submitted in 1991,  and with an increase in advertising.  The editor felt great regret over death of Mark Steptoe,  which left only Mike Lamont and Bryan Paynter on the Committee.  Joy Tedder and Suzanne Georgantis gave great support.

1992 - page 4

Papers for publication in 1992 were scarce,  but no paper had to be rejected as unsuitable.  The French Journal Kineseitherapie Scientifique requested and were cordially granted permission to reprint in translation two articles first published in the NZ Journal.  Membership did not indicate what it expected or wished from the Journal,  it was therefore difficult to establish whether the membership actually read it.

Advertising remained satisfactory,  advertising of products diminished,  recruitment agencies offering overseas positions in the United Kingdom,  the United States,  and Saudi Arabia accounted for increasingly more space sold.

A number of articles about writing for the journal appeared in 1992.  Bryan Paynter wrote an editorial for the April 1992 issue with a plea for contributors to use the Vancouver system and in the December 1992 issue an editorial for more papers.  M.Gibson Smith,  Medical librarian in Auckland wrote an article about using library information systems “Medinfolink and you” had started 10 years before,  when growing interest in research led to the need for better “tools”.  Medinfolink offered a current awareness search,  literature searches,  interlibrary loan,  and video.

1993  page 5

1993 was a stable and fruitful year.  There was a sudden and heartening increase in contributions in late 1993,  it was particularly encouraging to receive material from SIGs,  and several submissions from overseas.  The Editor hoped for more letters to the Editor,  more informally presented treatment notes,  and more accounts of unusual professional experiences overseas or in NZ.  Advertising was reasonably satisfactory in volume,  again with product promotion secondary to recruitment material.  Advertising rates were increased by 25 %.

1994 page 6

Another stable year for the journal was 1994.  Contributions were plentiful,  the rejection rate was low.  There was a predominance of research and clinical papers offered,  expressions of personal opinion,  whether as articles or letters to the editor,  were few,  as were accounts of experience in overseas countries or unusual fields of endeavour.  Publishers were generous with books for review,  most Bryan did himself.  Advertising was adequate,  many were for  recruiting for overseas.

Thanks to Michael Lamont and Sandra Bassett.  Tablet Publishing company still being used.

1995 page 8

There was a shortage of contributions in 1995,  especially for December.  The membership seemed to think that only full research papers were acceptable,  despite continued pleas for clinical notes,  personal professional observations;  and personal professional experiences  Advertising was steady - mostly overseas recruiting. The Tablet publishing continued well.

1996 page 6

New editor Sandra Bassett.  National Office took over role of advertising management.  Wendy Cross of Australia helped in the form of guidelines used by paper reviewers and editorial Committee.

A major problem was the lack of suitable papers for publication,  more submitted later in the year.  Also more papers written by overseas authors and physiotherapists being submitted. - gave a broader perspective 

Intend to continue to advertise for papers.  Ideally there would be a bank of papers.  The clinical or treatment notes are considered of value by practising physiotherapists,  more would be welcomed.

A panel of independent paper reviewers established.  A higher standard of reviewing has led to a higher standard of papers being published.  Guidelines will need to be developed for this review process so that it can be more consistent.

Editorial Committee enlarged,  with terms of reference need to be established.  Regular meetings will be needed in 1997.

1997 page 6

Busy year,  with new policies implemented.  Since start of 1997 the Committee had met 3 times a year, schedules to coincide with the publication of the Journal.  Two were teleconferences and one face to face.  Terms of reference were reformulated,  and goals set and fulfilled.

Committee members took on individual responsibilities,  leading to improvement in the presentation of papers and the dissemination of information.  Panel of paper reviewers enlarged through the help of some SIGs. Now all content ares representatives on the panel.  Guidelines are near completion.  The policy established for reviewers required two for most types of paper submitted,  with the authors and reviewers remaining anonymous.

Method of referencing changed from Vancouver method to American Psychological Association (APA). This is commonly used by academic institutions,  it is used by other similar publications and the guidelines are readily available.  The new guidelines for contributors will be published in each issue of the journal initially.  From August 1998,  no papers will be accepted which do not conform to these requirements.

Abstracts of papers published are now on the internet.

The logo on the cover is to be changed.

There was an increase in the number of papers submitted for publication during 1997,  hopefully more people will be encouraged to write papers.

The increase in activity meant the role of Editor had an increase in work.  National Office took over more of the administrative duties of the Editor.  The role of Journal Editor is now more like a Scientific Editor, which allowed more time to be spent on the contents of the Journal;. Tablet print continued.

1998 - no Report



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