Orgins of WCPT

The World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT) is an organisation which exists to promote the interests of physiotherapy and to uphold and advance the standards of physiotherapy care throughout the world.

TAGS: WPCT, 1948, origins,

The World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT) is an organisation which exists to promote the interests of physiotherapy and to uphold and advance the standards of physiotherapy care throughout the world.  Members are national associations of physiotherapists representing the majority of registered physiotherapists in their country.  The WCPT co-ordinates many items of information and advice on all matters pertaining to physiotherapy and physiotherapists,  to governments and voluntary organisations,  to international bodies and to the public.  It reflects the opinion of physiotherapists on such matters as the desired standard of professional education and the quality of care to be provided.

The organisation began in 1948,  when Physical Therapists from a number of countries throughout the world including New Zealand met to discuss the possibilities for setting up an international body.  As a result of this meeting a provisional Committee was established.  The inaugural meeting was held in Copenhagen in 1951,  when a constitution was drafted and approved by the 11 founding members.  New Zealand was one of these founder members,  represented by Pat Andrews who was elected to the Executive.  For the first ten years WCPT had no regular income,  depending on voluntary donations from its member-organisations and occasional grants for other international bodies.  Administrative and secretarial services were provided on an honorary basis by the Secretary of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy in Great Britain.  An annual per capita subscription was established in 1961,  with a separate office and Secretary- General employed.  At this time it also entered into official relations with the United Nations and those of its agencies which were appropriate such as the World Health Organisation,  and forged links with other voluntary international bodies like Rehabilitation International and the World Medical Association among others.[1]

[1] History of WCPT from programme for 1991 Congress - page 5

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