References to WCPT in the Journal

Mentions of the World Confederation of Physical Therapists in the Journal of Physiotherapy from 1973 - 1999.

TAGS: WPCT, references, journal

November 1963 - page   31  5 new members admitted.  Next Congress at Melbourne in 1967.  Proceedings of 4th Congress at Copenhagen will be published before end 1963 Editorial - WCPT 12 years old

15,00 attended Glen Park was NZ representative there made 3rd Vice President, 7 NZ physiotherapists were there also.  Meetings of Executive were held at Congress and midway between them

A teacher training course sponsored by WHO and organised by WCPT will be held in UK in July 1964 to June 1965,  for 15 physiotherapists from developing countries

Melbourne 1965 5th Congress. - Pre-Congress tour of NZ  50 to 60 NZ’ers attended,  four of whom contributed to the programme.  Keith Ritson was delegate.  Glen elected President

November 1968 - president’s message (Glen Park)  A year has passed since 5th Melbourne Congress, next in 1970.  A course for Latin American teachers will be held in Mexico in 1969 and will last 9 months.  Articles are being reviewed.  Executive will meet in South Africa in 1968 and discuss this plus teacher exchange,  guide lines for Congresses and future work programme.

November 1969 - pages 34 and 35.  Programme for 6th international Congress at Amsterdam April 27 to May 2 1970 end of Glen as President 2000 participants from 40 countries  7 new members

November 1971 -page 33 - European group form,  also Nordic group formed -Doreen Moore President

May 1973 -  pg 32 Congress will be in Montreal in June 1974 - hosting country must pay a lot of the cost, need good venue

November 1973 - pages 27, 28, 29 - President’s trip to Latin America,  Booklet on Facilitation of Movement available, Three papers from NZ accepted for Montreal- Miss Askew - Postgraduate course in Respiratory care,  Robin McKenzie Manual Correction of Sciatic Scoliosis,  Acupuncture - Has it a place in Physiotherapy  - Mr. R.Young

May 1974 - page 46 - Programme for Montreal  7th Congress June 1974

November 1974 - page 39 report on Montreal Congress - 3336 present - 6 from NZ- M.Brown, L.Askew,  W.Johnstone,  Annette Jackman;  R.Young & Searle, and 11 other expatriates.  NZ had exhibition;  New SIG formed - IFOMT formed  Report of Meeting - 9 new member countries, articles revised ? form regional groups, sub groups adopted.  May publish scientific journal, one day.. ? organise regional seminars

May 1975 - page 28 executive Committee met in August 1975

November 1975 - page 40 & 41 -news from member countries.  Australia- all Education is now under educational institutions,  way clear to develop postgraduate qualifications and research. 5 Australian Schools.

May 1976 - pages 33, 34, 35

News from member countries - Australian Physiotherapy Association looking at establishing liaison between physiotherapists in Fiji, Malaysia, NZ Singapore & Australia.  Next Congress in Israel 1978

November 1976 - page 41 programme for Israel June 1978, page 30 history of Physiotherapy in Israel

May 1977 - page 32 - Objectives of organisation.  At a meeting in August 1971 Executive Committee decided to provide a reserve fund to expand activities of WCPT with particular reference to educational,  technical and professional assistance to members.  Proposals for regional seminars were invited.  Hopes older members will help newer members.  NZ physiotherapists are eligible to work in South Africa and Canada

November 1977 - pages 36 & 37 - Confederation now has 37 member countries,  persons from 18 have been on Executive. News from different countries

May 1978 - page 45 & 46 -

History of Physiotherapy  & Ethics in Australia - in 1977 recinded rules which stated they must treat on referral from a medical practitioner.  Has a policy on chiropractic.  Canada - role of sports therapist is evolving.

November 1978 - pages 43 & 44 - Israel 8th Congress - 200 registrants from more than 50 countries.  Five new members admitted.  Ethical principles re referral by medical practitioner to be discussed.  NZ Speakers were - Lawrie Geden,  Margaret Moon,  Margaret Draper & Sandy Taylor & film by Bernice Thompson  were very well received  Lesley Askew chaired the SIG group on Spinal & head injuries - two afternoon sessions

Canterbury branch prepared a display for NZ,  with copies of books written by NZ physiotherapists.

May 1979 - page 43 & 44

What is organisation,  why does it exist,  how does it function,  what does it do & and is it effective?  Is it growing,  what are the problems,  what is it’s future,  what is the cost of supporting it,  and what are the benefits of belonging?

April 1980 -  page 42 - Ad. For Stockholm Congress

August 1980 - 60th anniversary of CSP - a case by WCPT against multi-purpose rehabilitation therapists.  Book about 8th Congress delayed.  Member countries news  Advertisement for 9th Congress in Stockholm in 1982.

April 1981 - a pain seminar will be held in October 1981 in Geneva.  There were 40 participants from 11 countries in 1980.. Members in Taipei met to form a South Eas Asia confederation.  News from member countries.

November 1982 - page 17 - Ratio of Physical Therapists to Population WCPT Survey 1981

August 198 -  page 38 - A fund for educational,  professional and technical help to member organisations helped with a course in Portugal and Thailand.  WCPT has links with United Nations organisation  - WHO and ILO.  Survey being done on ratio of physiotherapists to populations in member countries

April 1987 - page 17 & 18 - by Glen Park - Looking back

April 1987 - Report on 10th Congress in Sydney- page 17  discussion of papers on pain and mental health - none related specifically to physiotherapy.

August 1994 - page  20 - Report  by Clare O’Hagan on attendance at the first international training course of physical therapist in the field of ageing.  Sponsored by the WCPT and the International Institute for Ageing,  a subsection of United Nations in Malta.

April 1995 - page 5 - advertisement for WCPT Congress in Washington DC.  In June 1995 54 member countries, 10,000 expected


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