Home > Document library > The World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT) > References to WCPT in the NZSP Newsletter

References to WCPT in the NZSP Newsletter

Mentions of the World Confederation of Physical Therapists in the NZSP newsletter from 1973 - 1999.

TAGS: WPCT, references, newsletter

April 1981 - not enough funds to send a delegate to the 1982 Stockholm Congress

May 1982 - registration fee will be paid for Brian Mulligan to attend the Stockholm Congress - he will be the NZ delegate

November 1984 - call for papers for WCPT Congress

November 1985 - Call for papers

July 1986 - 10th World Congress to be held in Sydney About boycott.

July 1987 - Report on Congress no quorum so no policy made.  However they put Statement of intent on record.

September 1987 - ? the cost of sending two New Zealanders to Sydney

October 1989 - World President is Brian Davey - ex New Zealander

July 1990 - Liz Lee,  lead tutor at Travelling Workshop in Africa for physiotherapists treating children with Cerebral Palsy.

September 1990 - Report  from Erwin Drok about Congress in London also Report  about Asia Pacific Meeting.

March 1991 - WCPT want regionalisation - our National Office wants one central organisation.

June 1991 -  London Congress - 3 members are to go - Erwin Drok, Barbara Hetherington and Richard Hopkins

September 1991 - 31 at Congress in London 2800 from 53 countries I page about programme.

February 1992 - Guidelines on Torture

September 1993 -  -Executive News - Agenda for Asia/Pacific Region meeting 21-9-93 Taipei.

April 1994 - page 1  5th Asia/Western Pacific meeting - evaluating regionalisation

August 1994 - page 1  13th General meeting will be held in Washington on 23-25 June

September 1994 - page 2 - The Regional Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Region will be held in Jakarta in beginning of October - Margot Skinner will attend held in conjunction with regional seminar

October 1994 - page 1  10 out of 12 member countries attended the 5th Regional WCPT meeting and seminar in Jakarta.  NZ has always had reservations about the regions,  but majority of countries are happy with them.  Representatives were clear in wanting to see WCPT remain as the umbrella organisation.  To be held every second year,  if possible in conjunction with a conference or seminar.

November 1994 - page 1 Margot attended CSP Celebrations 2 ex patriate New Zealanders presented

December 1994 - page 4 advertisement for travel to Washington

February 1995 - page 3  advert about travel to Washington;  the first international SIG meeting for educators will be held at the Congress

April 1995 - page 2  Regional letter available 6th meeting will be held in Washington

June 1995 - page 7  News about Congress travel and staff to work on stand.  WCPT has Special Project and Development funds

July 1995 -  insert about Washington Conference - 7,000 attended,  3,000 exhibitors,  64 member countries and 14 other countries represented 40 attended through fund raising,  $10,00 from pre conference fund raising has been placed in the WCPT Development Fund.  1,000 papers were represented 22 from New Zealand.

August 1995 - page 3 International Training Seminar of Physiotherapy Teachers on Ethics,  torture Denmark 1995

page 11 - advert for Japan

page 12 - highlights from WCPT Washington - photos

October 1995 - page 2 - Official Report from 13th Congress in Washington

February 1996 - page 3 - News from WCPT David Seagar,  new President called for gap between rich and poor be be addressed.  Work on logo is ongoing.  Sandra Mercer-Moore the WCPT Asia Pacific Chairperson went to WHO regional meeting.

October 1997 - page 6 - WCPT Activity update - working out an international description of Physiotherapy  The Task Force established as a result of concern raised at 1995 meeting in Washington to discuss education,  credentialling and recruitment will meet in November 1997.  Work continues to establish quality in physiotherapy  - moves to forward the international interest in quality assurance.  Work has begun for a web site in 1998.  The WCPT Declarations of Principle and Position Statements has been received

November 1997 - page 11 - The Asia-Western Pacific Physiotherapy Development fund 1998 Grant allocation  - the Victorian Branch of the Australian Physiotherapy Association has used the surplus funds from the 3rd International Physiotherapy Congress held in Hong Kong in 1990 to establish a Trust fund to promote the development of Physiotherapy in the WCPT Asia-Western Pacific Region.  Protocols are listed,  and application dates.

December 1997 - page 15 - Report on the WCPT Asia Western Pacific Region (WCPT-AWP)  Lee attended the 1997 Hong Kong International Physiotherapy Conference in Hong Kong.  Concern was expressed by other delegates at the absence of a NZ delegate to the meetings over the last few years.  It was felt that NZ has a vital part to play in the WCPT-AWP region,  and we should try to attend to improve communications and links in the pacific region..  In discussion it was clear that much support is needed by physiotherapy in developing countries,  and member countries are facing similar issues eg. development of guidelines,  accreditation procedure,  use of outcome measures,  research projects,  marketing of the profession etc. The NZ Executive agreed in November 1998 to fund a delegate to attend the annual meetings,  and to consider sharing resources and information with other WCPT-AWP members.

May 1998 - page 9 - WCPT invites nominations for the Mildred Elson Award for International Leadership in Physical Therapy

September 1998 page 3 - World Physiotherapy Day

April 1999 page  9 -Jill Howard will represent NZ at 14th General meeting in Yokohama Japan 21-23 May 1999  Part of proceedings will focus on - “ Internal communication - how do we make it effective?” and Vision for the future, where do we want WCPT to be 10 years from now?”

Nominations were called for WCPT President - NZSP is a nominator for Sandra Mercer Moore.

June 1999 page 12 - Report on WCPT 14th General Meeting and 13th Congress held in Yokohama Japan.  We are lucky to have Physiotherapy Act,  even if it is outdated.  Also Registration Board.  Membership is now 82 countries.  New President of WCPT is Sandra Mercer Moore of Australia.

Australia had led the way in undergraduate education when News from member countries in 1975 showed that in Australia all education was under educational institutions,  leaving the way clear to develop postgraduate qualifications and research[1].

[1] NZJP November 1975 page 40 & 41 -

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