WCPT and Specialisation

First statements on “specialisation” were debated and resolved at Montreal and Israel. Specialisation was to be the responsibility of the state recognised body for physiotherapists where such a body existed eg. In NZ the Physiotherapy board, not necessarily the professional body.

TAGS: WPCT, specialisation, 1991

First statements on “specialisation” were debated and resolved at Montreal and Israel.  Specialisation was to be the responsibility of the state recognised body for physiotherapists where such a body existed eg. In NZ the Physiotherapy  board, not necessarily the professional body.  Draft ethical principles and definitions and guidelines on WCPT specialisation were circulated to N.Z. members for comment.  As no comments were received by April 1994 it was assumed everyone was happy with this draft.[1].  The term “spacialist” was defined and agreed at the London Congress in 1991.

WCPT was moving towards the establishment of SIGs in 1993 to allow the ready interaction of different groups internationally in their fields of special interest. 

Special Interest Groups allow international interaction for groups within their special interests.  The International Federation Of Manual Therapists (IFOMT) was at first a separate body and applied to join the WCPT,  being recognised at the Montreal Congress in 1974.  There are now Sub Groups for many disciplines.

The first international SIG meeting for Educators was held at the Washington Congress in 1995.

One important change related to education where there was unanimous support for physiotherapy entry level education to be based on University level studies of a minimum of four year independently validated and accredited as being at a standard that affords graduates full statuary and professional recognition.

[1] .E/M 25-9-93

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