Journal Catalogue - 1973-1980

Articles published in the NZ Journal of Physiotherapy from 1973 - 1980

TAGS: journal, catalogue, 1973

May, 1973. Vol. 4, No. 4 (63)

Glen Park. Guest Editorial: Times Change. Pg. 3 P. Wrightson. Head Injury. Structural Damage and Functional Recovery. Pg. 5 Joan Chapple. Hand Injuries. Pg. 9 Bernice Thompson. The Physiotherapist’s Role in the Rehabilitation of the Asthmatic. Pg. 11 V.B. Leech. Some Thoughts on Physiotherapy and the Perineum. Pg. 17 D. Horne. A Case for Management Training. Pg. 21 D. Horne. What is Administration? Pg. 23 J. Mathias. Selecting a Wheelchair. Pg. 28 World Federation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 32 A Tribute: Glen park Retires. Pg. 35 N.Z. School of Physiotherapy: Director’s Report, 1972. Pg. 36 Auckland School Appointments. Pg. 37 Book Reviews. Pg. 39 Abstracts. Pg. 40 Branch Notes. Pg. 41

November, 1973. Vol. 4, No. 5 (64)

Editorial – What now? Pg. 3 B. S. Parsonson. The role of the psychologist in rehabilitation. Pg. 5 C. H. Hooker. Orthopaedic rehabilitation. Pg. 9 P. Manson. Recent developments in ambulation for spina bifida children. Pg. 12 A. R. Kerse. Voluntary societies and community rehabilitation. Pg. 15 I. Campbell. The accident compensation act 1972, Pg. 19 Justice A. O. Woodhouse. Accidents and the problem of compensating the injured. Pg. 21 B. Mawson. The value of treating handicapped children at home. Pg. 24 B. R. Mulligan. “Plantar fasciitis”?: A study report. Pg. 25 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 27 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists – 22nd National Conference Golden Jubilee. Pg. 30 General news. Pg. 31 1973 Medical education seminar Physiotherapy services and the Xth British Commonwealth Games Professional liability insurance Conference on aging Department of health appointment Retirement – Gwen Hislop Branch notes. Pg. 37 Obituary. Pg. 39 G. P. Alexander J. Noel Beckett Montreal for you next year! Pg. 41

May, 1974. Vol. 4, No. 6 (65)

Conference opening address – The next fifty years. Pg. 3 Physiotherapy in retrospect. Pg. 5 P. L. Wood. Physical treatment for the brain-damaged child. Pg. 8 M. D. Holdaway. Viruses and vaccines. Pg. 15 M. de Jersey. Restoration of independence in spinal injuries. Pg. 20 Father L. Close. The patient’s point of view of paraplegia. Pg. 27 J. I. Hubbard. Voluntary control of movement. Pg. 30 The IVth British Commonwealth Paraplegic Games. Pg. 34 N. Hooker. The use of shortwave diathermy in the treatment of some obstetric patients. Pg. 38 P. Brophy. The price of footwear fashion in young adolescents. Pg. 41 New Zealand School of Physiotherapy – Director’s report, 1973. Pg. 43 Auckland Technical Institute – Physiotherapy course report, 1973. Pg. 44 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 46 B. Mulligan. Research beginnings. Pg. 47 Life membership (Alison Allan). Pg. 48 Letters to the editor. Pg. 48 Physiotherapy Board Representatives Salary Negotiations Branch notes. Pg. 49 Development of physical rehabilitation services and accident compensation legislation. Pg. 50 Book reviews. Pg. 51 Mechanics for movement R. Warwick & P. L. Williams. Gray’s anatomy Abstracts. Pg. 51 T. Wright & J. Nicholson. (1973). Physiotherapy for the spastic child. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. L. Millender & E. Nalebuff. (1973). Metacarpal joint arthroplasty. The Orthopaedic Clinics of North America.

November, 1974. Vol. 4, No. 7 (delivered late January 1975) (66)

Editorial – Salary scene. Pg. 3 P. M. Buckfield. The suspect child. Pg. 5 S. V. Paris. Component motion with special reference to the knee joint. Pg. 16 A. L. Forster . Education of the physiotherapist. Pg. 21 J. F. Belcher.Interferential therapy. Pg. 29 R. Young. Acupuncture. Pg. 35 B. R. Mulligan. The painful stiff shoulder. Pg. 37 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 39 Branch notes. Pg. 43 Student reports. Pg. 45 Book reviews. Pg. 47 E. Bolton & D. Goodwin. An introduction to pool exercises. E. C. Wood. Beard’s massage principles and techniques. G. D. Maitland. The vertebral column. Examination and recording guide. G. D. Maitland. The peripheral joints. Examination and recording guide. J. Calnan & A. Barabas. Writing medical papers. A practical guide. J. E. Cash. Neurology for physiotherapists.

May, 1975. Vol. 5, No. 1 (67)

Editorial – Wider horizons for the physiotherapist? Pg. 3 The journal editor retires. Pg. 4 S. V. Paris. Manipulation of facial and cranial sutures. Pg. 5 C. McKenzie & S. Glendining. Bronchodilator therapy by intermittent positive pressure respiration in patients with severe asthma. A trial with 115 patients. Pg. 10 M. D. Hartridge & K. O.Enright. Cerebral palsy survey, 1955-1970. Pg. 13 B. R. Tietjens & J. C. Cullen. Total knee replacement. Pg. 19 S. M. Rhind. Knee replacement. Pg. 21 E. L. Keeping. A back rehabilitation scheme. Pg. 22 H. Wells. A study of isometric exercises in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis of the cervical spine. Pg. 25 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 28 School Reports. Pg. 29 Letter to the editor – Registration in New Zealand of overseas-trained physiotherapists. Pg. 30 Branch notes. Pg. 31 Book review. Pg. 33 M. Hawker. Geriatrics for physiotherapists and allied professions. Abstracts. Pg. 33 New Zealand Manipulative Therapists Association. Pg. 35

November, 1975. Vol. 5, No. 2 (68)

Guest editorial. Pg. 3 I.A. Tayler. Private Practice. Pg. 4 A.D. Muir. Hyperhidrosis. Pg. 6 A. S. Hoyle. Excess sweating – Physiotherapy has a solution. Pg. 7 J. Briggs. Report on the manpower survey of physiotherapists 1974. Pg. 9 XVI International congress of physiotherapy. Pg. 16 J. Stewart. Physiotherapy in an extramural hospital. Pg. 17 N. I. Grant. Some long-term aspects of coronary rehabilitation in medically and surgically treated patients. Pg. 23 L. Ring. Ergonomics and physiotherapy. Pg. 29 L. M. Ferguson. Riding for the disabled. Pg. 32 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists – 23rd National Conference. Pg. 34 Treatment notes. Pg. 35 K. E. Jackson. Reimplantation of an amputated hand – A general review of treatment. B. Ellis. Rehabilitation of a patient with a severely mutilated left arm World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 40 School reports. Pg. 42 Branch notes. Pg. 43 Letter to the editor. Bronchodilator therapy by intermittent positive pressure respiration in patients with severe asthma. Pg. 45 Profile. Miss Joan Derbidge. Pg. 47 Obituary. Pg. 47 J. Derbidge E. Turnbull Book reviews. Pg. 48 H. Heardman. Relaxation and exercise for natural childbirth. J. E. Cash. Chest, heart and vascular disorders for physiotherapists. P. M. Scott. Clayton’s electrotherapy and actinotherapy. Kitchen sense for disabled people of all ages. Abstracts. Pg. 51

May, 1976. Vol. 5, No. 3 (69)

Editorial – Retrospect and prospect – The school in the technical institute. Pg. 3 Obituary. Pg. 5 E. M. Anderson J. W. Hollender. Values in community medicine. Pg. 6 T. W. Cunniffe. The application of ergonomics to the design of wheelchairs. Pg. 10 D. McKenzie. Chiropractic – A general theory of disease. Pg. 13 T. W. Cunniffe. The New Zealand aids and appliances unit: Its context and contribution. Pg. 18 C. E. Raven. Work assessment and return to employment. Pg 22 New books of interest to physiotherapists. Pg. 26 M. Gibson Smith. The physiotherapist and the printed word. Pg. 27 J. Ferguson. The Detroit recurvature splint. Pg. 29 B. Ellis. Faradism: A method of treatment for haematomas. Pg. 30 Conference on aging. Pg. 30 H. G. B. Speakman & J. Weisberg. The gulick tape. Pg. 31 New Zealand Manipulative Therapists’ Association. Pg. 32 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 33 Book review. Pg. 36 G. P. Grieve. Mobilisation of the spine. Pg. 36 Profile: Dorothy G. Gordon. Pg. 37 School reports. Pg. 38 Branch notes. Pg. 40 Abstracts. Pg. 43

November, 1976. Vol. 5, No. 4 (70)

Editorial – Sharing our knowledge. Pg. 3 M. Pollock. Cerebrovascular disease. Pg. 4 P. L. Wood. An approach to treatment of spasticity in the adult. Pg. 7 M. Hoessly. An approach to treatment of spasticity in the adult. Pg. 10 M. Moon. Relaxation reviewed. Pg. 14 B. Lovatt. The psycho-geriatric team. Pg. 16 M. Gibson Smith. Bridging the information gap. Pg. 18 M. Hanan. Riding for the disabled. Pg. 21 J. L. Low. Measurement of joint motion. Pg. 23 J. Selfe. Ultra-sound for relief of phantom limb pain. Pg. 29 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 30 Branch notes. Pg. 31 Book reviews. Pg. 33 A. Burns. Loss of higher neurological functions. W. H. Holinshead. Functional anatomy of the limbs and back. New books of interest to physiotherapists. Pg. 34 Abstracts. Pg. 35 The Stanley Paris, Snr., Scholarship in the physiotherapy of spinal dysfunction. Pg. 37

May, 1977. Vol. 6, No. 1 (71)

Editorial – A rose by any other name. Pg. 3 B.R. Cant. Electromyography and nerve conduction. Pg. 5 I. Broadfoot. Outline of an approach to spinal examination and a graphic method of recording physical signs. Pg. 9 G. McDonald. The New Zealand programme for handicapped skiers. Pg. 15 K. Haswell. Music as a therapy – An appreciation of the work being done in this field. Pg. 19 P. J. Scott. Obesity and its problems. Pg. 22 Treatment notes. Pg. 27 B.R. Mulligan. The acute wry neck – Please treat it gently J. E. Fausett. Some specific uses of a balance board in an orthopaedic gymnasium. World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 32 School Reports. Pg. 35 Branch notes. Pg. 39 Book reviews. Pg. 41 J. E. Cash. A textbook of medical conditions for physiotherapists. C. H. Dong. New hope for the arthritic. P. G. Stokes. Injury prevention for contact sports. A. G. Hardy & R. Elson. Practical management of spinal injuries for nurses. Abstracts. Pg. 45 Obituary. Pg. 45 W. MacCorquodale Philcox New Zealand Manipulative Therapists Association – Programme 1977. Pg. 46

November, 1977. Vol.6, No. 2 (72)

Editorial – “How else?” Pg. 3 H. Gordon. A new role for the physiotherapist in the treatment of scoliosis. Pg. 5 Report on the third seminar of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manuel Therapy. Pg. 11 A.G. Rothwell. Quadriceps haematoma. Pg. 12 D. R. Dalley. Tennis leg. Pg. 15 H. C. Burry. Scope of sports injury clinics. Pg. 18 H. C. Burry. Nature and complications of soft tissue injury. Pg. 22 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists – 24th National Conference – 8th, 9th, 10th February, 1978. Pg. 24 H. C. Burry. Sport and the adolescent. Pg. 26 H. C. Burry. Muscle attachment injuries. Pg. 29 Courses/notices. Pg. 31 Treatment note. Pg. 32 I.A. Tayler. The acute wry neck. G. M. Gorrick. Resisted wobble board. Pg 33 G. M. Gorrick. Wheelchair adaptation. Pg. 34 S. Stowell. The infamous netball ankle. Pg. 35 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 36 Branch notes. Pg. 38 Book reviews. Pg. 39 J. Cyriax. Textbook of orthopaedic medicine. W. B. Saunders & N. M. Peryer. Dorland’s pocket medical dictionary. Private practitioners. Pg. 41 Physiotherapy courses and conferences – 1978-79. Pg. 45

May, 1978. Vol. 6, No. 3 (73)

H. J. H. Hiddlestone. The health care team. Pg. 3 I. B. Sim. Recognition and management of lower limb stress fractures. Pg. 5 J. A. Pryor. The physiotherapy treatment of respiratory failure. Pg. 10 B. Kennedy. Posture and pain. Pg. 13 P. C. Haines. The physiotherapist and the organization. Pg. 24 J. D. Tedford. The design and development of a motorized wheelchair. Pg. 30 B. Visser. Physiotherapy and inhalation equipment. Pg. 35 M. Moon. Biofeedback and the physiotherapist. Pg. 37 S. Randle. Application of new techniques to stroke rehabilitation. Pg. 41 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 45 Branch notes. Pg. 47 School reports. Pg. 47 Book reviews. Pg. 50 B. Leveau. Biomechanics of human motion. M. Davis & H. Kwok-Yuen. Introduction to Western acupuncture. L. Daniels & C. Worthington. Therapeutic exercise for body alignment and function. J. S. Buswell. A manual of home exercises for the spinal column. Abstracts. Pg. 52 New Zealand Manipulative Therapists’ Association. Pg. 53

November, 1978. Vol. 6, No.4 (74)

P. J. Young. Caring about rheumatoid arthritis. Pg. 3 B. B. Taylor. Rehabilitation of the elderly amputee. Pg. 7 J. L. Low. The nature and effects of pulsed electromagnetic radiations. Pg. 18 M. King. Some sociological implications of obstetric physiotherapy. Pg. 23 A. McCarthy. The visiting therapist. Pg. 30 Forthcoming conferences. Pg. 33 I.E. Millward. The role fo temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the aetiology of facial pain and headache. Pg. 34 F. Harman. A physiotherapist in Hong Kong. Pg. 36 M. Moon. Fysioterapeuten. Pg. 37 Queen’s service medal. Pg. 39 F. Hadfield. Cast bracing. Pg. 40 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 43 Branch notes. Pg. 44 Letter to the editor. Pg. 45 G. A. Pendergrast. Ultrasonic coupling agents. Abstracts. Pg. 46 Book reviews. Pg. 47 I.Lindquist. Therapy through play. S. Hoppenfeld. Physical examination of the spine and extremities. J. J. Gerhardt & O. A. Russe. International standard orthopaedic measurements; International SFTR method of measuring and recording joint motion. Physiotherapy courses and conferences: 1979-80. Pg. 49.

May, 1979. Vol. 7, No. 1 (75)

Editorial – Change of editor. Pg. 3 Massage Parlours Act. Pg. 5 P. H. Billings. The history of thoracic physiotherapy. Pg. 6 M. Moon. Physiotherapy within a psychiatric unit. Pg. 11 Principles for the development of physiotherapy education. Pg. 15 M. K. Lamont. Sports injuries. Pg. 19 A. G. M. Wilson. Physical behaviour of microwaves. Pg. 22 Treatments notes. Pg. 26 H. W. Hitchins & A. P. Watson. Geriatric chair modifications E. E. Taylor. Handrails for walking race G. M. Gorick. Wheelchair carrier S. Gee. “Inspiron” incentive spirometer 1979 mouthguards campaign for contact sports. Pg. 30 Reports. Pg. 31 Physical education in New Zealand schools. Sascho pilot schemes for new “health boards” Society logo Physiotherapy manpower resources Leisure ’77 national seminar. Pg. 41 Letter to the editor. Pg. 42 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 43 Book reviews. Pg. 45 J. Crawford Adams. Outline of fractures. S. Mattingly. Rehabilation today. R. M. Goldenson, J. R. Dunham & C. S. Dunham. Disability and rehabilitation handbook. G. D. Maitland. Musculo-skeletal examination and recording guide. Abstracts. Pg. 46 New Zealand Manipulative Therapists’ Association newsletter. Pg. 47 From the president. Pg. 51 Branch notes. Pg. 52 New Zealand Register of Osteopaths Incorporated Act. Pg. 52 1978 School reports. Pg. 53 Physiotherapy courses and conferences: 1979-80. Pg. 55 Index medicus physiotherapy. Pg. 57

November, 1979. Vol. 8 (sic), No. 2 (76)

Editorial: Change. Pg. 5 M. K. Lamont. Physiotherapy manpower planning. Pg. 6 D. M. McKenzie & B. C. Ingram. NZSP ACC submission. Pg. 7 Report on the Commission of Enquiry into Chiropractic. Pg. 9 A. Jackman. Degree completion. Pg. 14 Hospital salaries negotiations. Pg. 15 J. W. Low. Uses and reliability of SD curves. Pg. 16 Dr James Cyriax banquet. Pg. 20 B. Keall. Sexual problems of handicapped people. Pg. 21 Ethics. Pg. 23 A. H. G. B. Speakman & J. S. Kung. Fakeability of the attitudes towards disabled persons scale form. Pg. 24 Physiotherapy Board disciplinary action. Reunion. Pg. 25 S. Glendining. Use of Fenoterol (Berotec) respirator solution 0.5% in patients with severe asthma. Pg. 26 R. L. Spencer. Sports Therapists’ pecial (sic) Interest Group. Pg. 27 C. L. Cowan. Guidelines for prospective post basic education courses. Pg. 28 J. S. Buswell. Conference report: Manipulative therapy. Pg. 30 Branch notes. Pg. 31 Retirements. Pg. 32 P. Simmers M. Brown W. J. Johnstone Correspondence. Pg. 34 P. G. Stokes. Olympic physiotherapist M. H. Moon. Research J. W. Low. Diapulse P. L. Man & C. H. Chen. Acupuncture analgesia. Pg. 35 Books. Pg. 45 Employment. Pg. 46 Department of Health library service. Pg. 47 Index Medicus. Pg. 47 Courses and conferences. Pg. 49

May, 1980. Vol. 8, No. 1 (77)

President’s Address. Pg. 5 W.T. Travis. NZ Chiropractic Report. Pg. 6 Survey of public attitudes to manipulative health treatment in NZ. Pg. 11 M. Moon. Biofeedback techniques for psychsomatic conditions. Pg. 14 D.H. Goode. Callibration of UVA sources for psoriasis treatment. Pg. 16 J. Earle. Physiotherapy in PUVA. Pg. 19 B.A. Webber. Living to the limit. Pg. 22 B.A. Webber. The use and abuse of inhalation equipment. Pg. 24 J.M. Papesch. Voluntary orgainizations and their contribution to community welfare. Pg. 27 S.F. Sigley. New trends in the management of the amputee. Pg. 30 Correspondence. Pg. 32 J. Wilson. Bridging the gap between physiotherapists and physical education. Pg. 33 Department of Health Library Service. Pg. 35 Physiotherapy Board Register J. Taylor and J. Twomey. Innervation and lumbar intervertebral discs. Pg. 36 Reports: Pg. 37 MZSP Conference 1980 NZSP Council Meeting Dept. of Physiotherapy, Otago Polytechnic Books. Pg. 29 Abstracts. Pg. 42 Courses and conferences. Pg. 45

August, 1980. Vol. 8, No. 2 (78)

Editorial. Pg. 5 J. E. Semple, J. W. Vargo & F. A. Vargo. Disability simulation. Pg. 6 M. K. Lamont. Post-traumatic osteolysis of the outer and of the clavicle. Pg. 9 H. G. B. Speakman. Attitudes towards disabled persons. Pg. 10 M. Colgan. Bioefeedback treatment of neuro-muscular dysfunction. Pg. 12 M. Colgan. Bioefeedback treatment of excessive tonic muscular activity. Pg. 15 I. Broadfoot. Musculo-skeletal disorders. Pg. 17 W. F. Luypers. Piriformis syndrome. Pg. 33 Abstract: Moiré Topography. Pg. 34 World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Pg. 35 Australian Hosptial and Medical Equipment Display. Pg. 36 D. M. McKenzie & W. Facer. The status of physiotherapy education. Pg. 38 Books. Pg. 42 M. C. Huisman. Bronchodilator effect of B2 sympathomimetic bronchodilator drugs. Pg. 45 Branch reports. Pg. 45 Obituary: Leo M. Keating. Pg. 46

November. 1980. Vol. 8, No. 2 (79)

Instructions to authors. Pg. 2 Physiotherapy courses and conferences: 1981-1982. Pg. 4 Editorial – Education. Pg. 5 M. K. Lamont. Professional liability insurance. Pg. 7 Chiropractic in New Zealand: An evaluation with emphasis on research data. Pg. 8 Abstracts of clinical trials. Pg. 10 Critique and recommendations on chiropractic in New Zealand. Pg. 12 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists. Pg. 18 Letters. Pg. 19 B.G. Visser. Bronchodilating drug. J. A. Pryor. Physiotherapy in chronic bronchitis. Abstract. Pg. 20 Branch notes. Pg. 20 M. H. Moon & D. I. Armstrong. The therapist and EMG biofeedback training for spasmodic torticollis. Pg. 21 H. C. Burry. Use and abuse of corticosteroids in rheumatic diseases. Pg. 25 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists. Pg. 31

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